SOBI Sponsored Study Groups

Ortho-BionomyThe Society of Ortho-Bionomy Int'l  sponsors monthly Online Study Groups. They are primarily in a conference call format and are taught by various Registered Ortho-Bionomy Instructors via Zoom.

Each Study Group includes one hour of pre class homework and two hours of online study. Our Study Groups cover a variety of topics and also count towards the study group requirements in the Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner Training Programs.

We had a sudden opening in our study group schedule for May, so we opted to offer a tutorial to support students as well as our new advisors in the process of turning in evolvement paperwork.

This month's offering will not count for study group credit or have any related homework.




Evolvement Process Tutorial

  with Keri Brown

May 19, 2022

                             6:00 ET,  5:00 CT,  4:00 MT,  3:00 PT                            



Do you find the process of filling out and turning in your paperwork for evolvement challenging? Are you a newer Advisor who wants to give your students the best information possible when it comes to SOBI paperwork?

We know that paperwork can be challenging and even frustrating for many people, but it is a necessary aspect of evolvement. Our paperwork and evolvement committee processes supports SOBI's goal of registering and acknowledging our members who have committed to and completed Ortho-Bionomy training at all its levels. Our professional level members (Practitioners and above) are entitled to all of SOBI's trademarks. SOBI can stand behind the training our registered professional members receive because a record of their training which has been reviewed and approved by qualified members of our IRC and PRC.

This tutorial is free, will last for 90 minutes and is not for SOBI credit. Class size is limited to 18, so if you are interested you might want to register sooner rather than later.

Join us on May 19th to have your paperwork and evolvement submission questions answered.


Your facilitator:

Keri Pic

Keri Brown is a registered Advanced Practitioner and Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy. She is also a class coordinator in Indianapolis, IN.

Keri has previously served on the SOBI Board of Directors and is currently managing the SOBI office along with maintaining a private practice and teaching.




Evolvement Process Tutorial

May 19, 2022

6:00 ET,  5:00 CT,  4:00 MT,  3:00 PT (US and Canada)


                                                                                                                                 Register Here


 We are currently scheduling Instructors for 2023 Study Groups

                                                           Instructors, please contact the office for more information.


Scheduled Study Groups in 2022

Instructor Date Topic
Lynne Marotta & Melissa Malm 16-Jun SOBI Trademark Policy Review
Jim Berns 21-Jul Applications of the Circle Theory
Susan Smith 18-Aug Equine Spinal Junction/Function
Melinda Doden 15-Sep Working with the Hand
Bettina Beaucamp 20-Oct Applying Ortho-Bionomy to Create Balance and Abundance
Luann Overmyer 17-Nov Ethics of Practice
Rouel Cazanjian 15-Dec Phase 7 & Life Mastery