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A note to the synod...Overtime exemption regulations information

The following information is provided in consultation with our synod attorney, but should not replace the legal advice of your congregation's attorney, as every congregation's employee salaries and responsibilities are unique to that congregation. Please make sure to consult with your congregation's attorney as you look at how the new Fair Labor Standard Act’s (FLSA) white-collar exemptions impact you.

Overtime Exemption Regulations

The US Department of Labor has released the long-awaited Final Rule modernizing the Fair Labor Standard Act’s (FLSA) white-collar exemptions. The good news, for those who have been following the development of the Final Rule, is that there are no big surprises.

What are the changes?

Expected to require employers to pay overtime to roughly 4.2 million additional US workers, the regulation changes include:

The DOL decided not to make any changes to the duties test at this time. Importantly for our congregations, clergy typically fall into the professional exemption.

How much time do I have?

The Final Rule goes into effect December 1, 2016, giving congregations three months to prepare for the changes. However, there is no time for procrastination! The dramatic increase in the salary threshold will require most employers to make some significant changes to ensure their organization is compliant.

What are our options for compliance?

Your options for compliance include:

Where can I go for more information?

The U.S. Department of Labor has published a fact sheet for non-profits, which can be found here and guidance for non-profits, which can be found here.

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