Complete Story


Introducing the 2017 LOM Curriculum 'The Water of Life'

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you."  --Isaiah 43:2

Water is something that we come in contact with every day, and yet we often take it for granted.  We all need water to live our physical life and through this theme campers will discover that water is also the source of Christian spiritual life.  All campers, whether they are experiencing Vacation Bible school for the first time or they are on a week long backpacking adventure, will dive into Bible stories that shower them with a new awareness of how water and life are gifts from God.

LOM Offers Curriculum Package for VBS
Lutheran Outdoor Ministry's (LOM) curriculum from the last few years, including the 2017 theme, 'The Water of Life,' is available in a bundle for use in congregational VBS programs.  As Augsburg Fortress no longer produces an annual VBS curriculum, this could be a valuable tool for the congregations that you work with who are looking for a curriculum with a solid theological background. 

The bundle includes the preschool, lower elementary/day camp Bible studies, crafts, games, and graphics.  The curriculum is perfect for churches looking to create continuity between the camp and VBS experience, or those simply looking for a new and creative approach to VBS.  Plus, this VBS curriculum is also great for churches who are trying to be a little more green.  The curriculum is downloaded once it is purchased, so churches don't need to worry about the extra waste (or cost) that comes with buying a fancy boxed VBS set.  
For more information, visit the following website

New for 2017:

'The Water of Life' is now available for purchase in a variety of packages for all of your curriculum needs.  To preview and order the curriculum, visit

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