
September 17, 2019
7:00PM - 9:00PM

Effective Congregation Councils training

Made possible by Thrive! donations

All Saints Lutheran Church, 6770 N. High St, Worthington, Ohio

Council Presidents and other church leaders...including Pastors invited to 'Effective Congregation Councils' training on September 17!

Kick off this new year with meetings that members want to attend and accomplish much more than just what's on the agenda.

Because of generous advance gifts to the Thrive! campaign, and a strong commitment to fulfilling the Synod’s vision, we are moving forward now in implementing some of the Thrive! campaign goals! Here is one example:

Goal #1 of Thrive! is Equipping Lay Leaders. Through this goal, “The Synod will be seen as leading and providing networks through which lay leaders will be more highly equipped for leadership within their congregations, be more effective in their communities, and thrive in their ministries.”

As part of this goal, the synod is offering a workshop for Council Presidents (and other church leaders, including pastors) on September 17th. This is a longer version of the workshop provided at Synod Assembly this year that was standing room only. Church leaders should attend to increase skills in:

The goal is that Council members reflect on their time of service on the Council as the highlight of their service to the church.  This workshop can help lead to an effective council that positions the church to thrive in today’s world.

Location & TimeAll Saints Lutheran Church, 6770 N High St, Worthington, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE: Send an email with the name, phone number, email address and leadership role (e.g. President; Council member) of each attendee, to:


Workshop Leader:

Mike Ward, CFRE—Partner with GSB Fundraising. Mike studies best practices of non-profit boards and applies those practices to congregation councils. His passion for this topic is related to his desire for organizations to thrive in their fundraising, and that without effective boards leading the organization, the funding of those organizations will naturally struggle. Mike is a 1997 graduate of Trinity Lutheran Seminary and has served on the board of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network and on the ELCA Church Council.


Can’t make it to this training event? Don’t worry! We will be scheduling repeat episodes in the months to come. Please watch for them!

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