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'32 weeks and counting' countdown to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation resource provided by Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod

The following is courtesy of our domestic companion synod, the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Synod, and may be a great resource for your congregation as it reflects and commemorates the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Thank you Metro D.C. Synod for sharing this wonderful resource!


Like many congregations, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Springfield, Virginia is looking at the 500th anniversary of the Reformation as an opportunity. Growing from their 500 Reformation Committee are many ideas…even an Oktoberfest home-brew.

They’re sharing with all of us “short, factual and historical blogs on Luther’s life” leading up to October 31st Reformation observance.

Former academics and scholarly writers Abby Arthur Johnson and Ronald Johnson have compiled what they refer to as LutherFacts. We benefit by their research and writing chops, gained by experiences including contributions to the United States Capitol Historical Society’s Blog of History and careers at Georgetown University.

“We view Luther as the central historical figure in the unfolding of the Reformation. He took the first steps, then led and counseled others to follow,” says Ronald Johnson. “I do hope to explore the efforts of individuals who influenced Luther… so the contemporary reader of the Reformation gets a sense of the cost Luther and others paid for their actions.”

How will this work practically?

Thanks, Pr. Albert Triolo and St. Mark’s 500 Reformation Committee, for sending these contributions our way! And we thank the Johnsons for stewarding their gifts in this manner.

See website for posts!

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