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Members of ELCA congregations in central Ohio invited to be part of the 2018 Gay Pride Parade, June 16

For the sixth year, the Reconciling in Christ ministries in Central Ohio (First English, Gethsemane, Trinity, Lord of Life, Redeemer & Trinity Seminary) will be gathering as an ELCA witness at the 2018 Gay Pride Parade in Columbus on Saturday, June 16, with the step-off in the Short North at 10:30 AM.  We invite members of all area ELCA congregations to join us. Last year we were over 100 marchers of all ages.

This year’s T-shirt color is yellow.  Marchers can wear the various colored shirts from previous years or purchase a new one.  The shirt front reads “Evangelical Lutheran Church in America” and the back, “there is a place for YOU HERE.”  Cost: $10.00. The shirt is available in men’s sizes XS-4XL.  Place your T-shirt order in advance and register for the parade by contacting Neal Coryell at Trinity Lutheran.  Mail checks (to his attention) made out to Trinity Lutheran Church. The address is 404 S 3rd St, Columbus, OH 43215-5413 

Email any questions to  Everyone who registers and/or orders a shirt by May 20th will be contacted prior to the march in regard to all logistics.  Join us! 


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