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Rethinking Stewardship offers new thoughts, ideas and practices around stewardship to bring new life to your congregational giving

As our world changes, it's good to rethink the way we do things. This is true of how we interact with people as relationships change and grow. This is true of how we feed and exercise our bodies as they age and perhaps grow in ways we weren't expecting! This is especially true of how we do ministry and stewardship. In fact, there's even a conference about rethinking stewardship practices, called...Rethinking Stewardship! Genius, huh?
Rethinking Stewardship is a conference held every few years at Luther Seminary to consider new thoughts, ideas, and practices around stewardship. Videos of the 2018 presentations are now online along with talks from previous years. Check out Dr. Moore-Keish's thought-provoking 20-minute presentation on “What are We 'Offering' at the Offering?”, or read her related article (published in 2 parts online by Luther Seminary’s Center for Steward Leaders):
Video :
Part 1:
Part 2:

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