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Special prayer petition for Oesterlen Services for Youth on June 9 & 16

On Pentecost Day, June 9 and Trinity Sunday, June 16, prayer petitions in Sundays and Seasons are particularly fitting for Oesterlen Services for Youth, a Lutheran agency in Springfield OH. Please consider including Oesterlen in your prayers and including a bulletin announcement about Oesterlen to connect to the prayers.  A prayer and announcement that you could use is provided below.   If your congregation would ever like materials to distribute to your congregation about any aspect of Oesterlen’s ministry, please do not hesitate to request them.   

We covet your prayers and deeply value your partnership!   Hope to see you at Synod Assembly!


Here is a prayer you could add to either petition for Oesterlen:

We especially lift up today the ministry of Oesterlen Services for Youth.  Provide healing and hope to the children, youth and families they serve, and strengthen everyone who provides care and treatment with your renewing grace, so that all might know and share your love.

Here is a brief bulletin announcement that you could include that day, to go along with the prayer:

We include in our prayers today Oesterlen Services for Youth, a Lutheran social service agency in Springfield, OH, which empowers individuals of all ages and families to improve their mental, social, physical and spiritual well-being by promoting positive change and self-sufficiency, that all might thrive in their communities.   Oesterlen serves over 1,000 families a year from across Ohio through its residential treatment program, Life Skills Center, community counseling center,  intensive home-based treatment (IHBT),  respite and resource center, and treatment foster care program. 


To learn more, go to,  or contact Church Relations representative Pastor Rachel Tune at




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