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Login info for Keeping Stewardship Strong in Uncertain Times-Today at 3 pm


This is a reminder about today’s online workshop –– Keeping Stewardship Strong in Uncertain Times –– being led by Pastor Mike Ward, CFRE, a Partner at GSB Fundraising, author of Abundance: Creating Cultures of Generosity, and our Synod’s consultant for the Thrive Mission Campaign.

Join us from 3-4 PM today (April 2) when Mike will share tangible ideas for responding during this crisis and help you put in place the infrastructure to keep generosity flowing to your congregations. Mike will also point out messaging that you should avoid during this time. A portion of the program will be dedicated to questions from participants. This workshop is suggested for pastors, stewardship leaders, council members and others engaged in congregational leadership.

Life has changed dramatically in the last few weeks and that change is still unfolding. In the midst of this change, people are needing the peace and comfort provided by faith in God. At the same time, as our normal patterns are upended and the nation is struggling economically, we worry about financial resources for our ministries. It is critically important now that we Church leaders focus on how we tell our story of impact, how we invite people to generosity, and how we envision a future where our congregations are more important and vital than ever.

Even though the Thrive Mission Campaign is now postponed due to the pandemic, the generosity of those who have already given to Thrive positions us to be able to offer today’s workshop. We are grateful to those who were able to provide early support to Thrive, which remains more important than ever in helping the Synod help you.

Additional resources from Mike and GSB about responding to this crisis are also available at:

More Resources from GSB




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