2023 ACIT Houston Golf Tournament & FREEPAC Fundraiser - April 14th
Looking for Sponsors and Teams!! Auction starts today!!
ACIT Houston Golf Tournament
& FREEPAC Fundraiser
Friday, April 14th
11:00 am Registration
12:00 pm Shotgun Start
Golf VIP Auction Goes Live Today at 4:00
Joining us in the Houston Industry VIP Auction this year will be:
Bob Bradshaw - INEOS
Carl Bronold - OxyChem
Mark Bookmyer - LyondellBasell
Michael Mullins - ExxonMobil
Johnny Park - LyondellBasell
Hector Juarez - BASF
Nick Brunson - LyondellBasell
John Grimes - LBC Tank Terminals Group
Todd Behne - OxyChem
JC Beaugh - LyondellBasell
The On-Line Auction gives you the opportunity to bid on your
favorite VIP to join you April 14th in the ACIT Houston Golf Tournament.
-You will still need to buy a team and save a spot if you WIN-
VIP Auction starts on Monday, April 3rd at 4:00 and
closes on Monday, April 10th at 4:00
-bids will continue until there is no bidding for 10 minutes
Golf VIP Auction is LIVE - Click Here
Wildcat Golf Club
12000 Almeda Road
Houston, TX 77045
(713) 413-3400
Sponsorship Opportunities
Title Sponsor - $5,000
Platinum Sponsor - $3,000
Gold Sponsor - $2,000
Silver Sponsor - $1,500
Tent Sponsor - $750
Beverage Cart Sponsor - $1000
Longest Drive Sponsor - $350
Closest to the Hole Sponsor - $350
Hole Sponsor - $150
Door Prize Sponsor - $100
Click on the link for more details on each Sponsorship

Mulligans and games sold onsite to support TCC/ACIT FREEPAC.
Contributions to FREEPAC must be made by cash,
personal check or personal credit card onsite.
Thank You to our Amazing Sponsors!
Platinum Sponsors
Total Tent Solutions
Gold Sponsors
Firetrol Protection Systems
P.A. Inc.
Turner Industries Group
Silver Sponsor
Diamondback Works
Food Sponsors
CDI Engineering Solutions
Hunter Buildings
Norrell Construction
Trans-Global Solutions
USA Industries
Tent Sponsors
Austin Fire Systems
CDI Engineering Solutions
Great Western Valve
Health and Safety Council
Hunter Buildings
IKON Environmental Solutions
Space City Services
Standard Constructors
Tolunay-Wong Engineers
USA Industries
Beverage Cart Sponsors
P.A., Inc
Tolunay-Wong Engineers
Closest to the Hole Sponsor
Hargrove Engineers + Constructors
Hole Sponsors
Pulido Transport
Door Prize Sponsors
Houlden Enterprises
RPS Composites
Sponsorship Registration or Cancellation Deadline: April 10th
If you have any questions, please contact Sabrina Schwertner at Schwertner@texaschemistry.org