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ECA Community College Interest Group - Listserv/communication with group members

Dear Community College Interest Group Colleagues,

At the April 2015 CCIG business meeting, you instructed me with setting up a listserv for our members.

Here’s an update and a request:

  1. I have not (YET) heard from anyone who is willing to ask their institution about sponsoring a listserv.
  2. My college cannot handle that capacity. Can yours?
  3. I ask you to please seek out the Information Technology people on your campus to ask about this.  If you hear back positively, please contact me:
  1. In the interim, we will follow this procedure:

a.    If you would like to pose a query of any kind to your colleagues in the ECA CCIG, you should email that question to me. Upon my review, l will forward that message to Kathie Cesa, who will broadcast it to the group.

b.    If you would like to put a proposal together for ECA’s CCIG 2015 conference and have need of 1-2-or-3 more participants, you have some choices.

i.   You can look through the Membership Directory on ECA’s Members only section and look for individual participants and then search their school website and find their email and email them directly.  OR

ii.   You can write up a few sentences, issue a call for participants, and send the proposal to me. I will forward it to Kathie Cesa, and ask that she distribute it via this email list that ECA maintains (include your email address)  OR

iii.   Additionally, there is an ongoing collaborative Google Doc of proposals: –click on that link and add your ideas!  Please note that if you wish people to contact you, you need to include your preferred email address on that Google Doc! If you are an ECA CCIG member and don’t know another member but would like to be part of a panel, check out this google doc, and feel welcome to put your name and email there, or propose a new idea, and email me. I can help put you in contact with others.

Please remember proposals are due by October 15.  (And if you would like to review, definitely send me an email:

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