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Communication Research Reports
Editor January 2023 to December 2025:
Dave Keating
University of New Mexico
MSC 03 2240
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Communication Research Reports publishes original research in the form of brief empirical articles on a variety of topics of human communication. Empirical studies in the general contexts of interpersonal, organizational, communication traits, intercultural, nonverbal, small group, health, persuasion, mass, political, relational, computer mediated, life-span, and instructional communication are appropriate for submission. Consistent with the mission of the journal, the main portion of submitted manuscripts should focus on the method, results, and interpretation of the results. However, manuscripts must contain a concise theoretical rationale and relevant literature review. All data analyses should report relevant effect size statistics, and we recommend reporting other diagnostics (such as, but not limited to: observed power, tests of significance inflation, and test of insufficient variance, among others) at the Author’s discretion. Papers that do not adhere to the required guidelines may be rejected by the editorial office.
Communication Research Reports accepts the following types of submissions:
- Empirical articles (approximately 3,500 words maximum for initial submission, and no more than two tables or figures) that address issues of communication from a quantitative social scientific lens. Such papers are expected to have a robust discussion of theory, methods, results, and the implications of those results.
- Brief reports (approximately 2000 words maximum for initial submission, with limited space for tables or figures) that present “late-breaking” empirical results of interest to communication scholars, likely in need of replication and extension but serving as signals of relevant and important phenomenon.
- Pre-registered reports (approximately 2000 words for stage one review; approximately 3500 words for stage two review) that propose an original study yet-to-be conducted, submitted for publication consideration regardless of study outcomes. Stage one manuscripts are submitted with a completed literature review and methodology section, as well as a data analysis plan, but without any data or analysis presented. Accepted plans are then given an “accept, pending” decision contingent on authors completing the research within a given amount of time (usually, no longer than six months) and strict adherence to the accepted stage one plan. Pre-registered reports are only appropriate for research proposals, not research that has already been conducted.
- Spotlights on Methods or Analyses (either in the 2000-word or 3500-word format) that discuss emerging techniques for conducting quantitative social science, and speak to their relevance for communication scholars.
- Editorials (approximately 2000 words maximum) that discuss emerging issues of importance to communication scholars and scholarship.
Unless specifically marked, all manuscripts are peer reviewed. All words limits above include manuscript and references. CRR does not require, but actively encourages, all Authors to publicly share relevant study materials, including measures and stimulus materials, data outputs and syntax files, and datasets, whenever possible. Questions about any one of these submission types should be directed to the editor, Keith Weber, at
Review Policy. Manuscripts will be blind-reviewed by at least two experts in the relevant subject matter. These evaluations will constitute the basis for the Editor’s decision. Communication Research Reports is committed to completing the review process as efficiently and quickly as possible. Manuscripts that do not conform to submission guidelines will not be reviewed. No manuscript submitted for review can be previously published or be under consideration by any other journal at the time of submission.
Submission of Full-Length Manuscripts. Communication Research Reports will accept all manuscript submissions electronically via the ScholarOne Manuscripts website located at technical support regarding the ScholarOne Manuscripts system, you may contact them at For all other inquiries, please contact Communication Research Reports at Submitted manuscripts must be the original work of the author(s) and have all identifiers removed from the document. Authors should submit their files per the submission protocol found on ScholarOne. Manuscripts should be prepared using MS WORD and must conform to the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. All general inquiries about the journal, it policies, or procedures should be directed to
Proofs. One set of page proofs will be sent to the designated corresponding author. Proofs should be checked and returned promptly as directed.
Complimentary Policy/Reprints. Each corresponding author will receive 50 complimentary reprints of their article upon registration with Rightslink, our authorized reprint provider. Authors will need to create a unique account and register with Rightslink for this free service. Complimentary reprints are not available past publication. Each corresponding author will also receive one complimentary copy of the issue in which their article appears.
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication
Editor January 2021 to December 2023:
Angela Putman
Associate Professor
Penn State University, Brandywine
Call for Manuscripts
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication is a peer-reviewed annual journal sponsored by the Eastern Communication Association. The journal publishes brief qualitative research essays of 2,500 words or less on a wide range of topics extending and enhancing the understanding of human communication. Topics appropriate for the journal include, but are not limited, to studies of intercultural, media, political, organizational, interpersonal, and legal communication. Submissions are welcomed from all geographical regions of the globe.
Submission of Manuscripts:
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication will accept all manuscript submissions electronically via the ScholarOne Manuscripts website located at this URL: For technical support regarding the ScholarOne Manuscripts system, you may contact them at For all other inquiries, please contact Communication Research Reports at . Submitted manuscripts must be the original work of the author(s) and have all identifiers removed from the document. Authors should submit their files according to the submission protocol found on ScholarOne. Manuscripts should be prepared using MS WORD and must conform to the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. All general inquiries about the journal and its policies or procedures should be directed to Ozum Ucok-Sayrak, Editor.
Communication Quarterly
Communication Quarterly is an academic journal published by the Eastern Communication Association (ECA).
Published first in 1953, under the title Today's Speech, Communication Quarterly includes over 50 volumes, has been edited by nineteen scholars from around the nation, and continues to publish the finest quality research in the communication discipline.
Along with Communication Quarterly, ECA also publishes Communication Research Reports and Qualitative Research Reports in Communication.
Communication Quarterly is produced by Taylor & Francis. The journal's T&F Web site is found here.
CQ Editorial Policy
Communication Quarterly, a scholarly, academic journal sponsored by the Eastern Communication Association (ECA) publishes refereed manuscripts extending the understanding of human communication. Communication Quarterly is philosophically committed to an eclectic approach and to the publication of high quality articles. Manuscripts considered for publication may be research reports, rhetorical studies, critical analyses, state of the art reviews, reports of topical interest, supported opinion papers, and other essays related to the interest groups of ECA and its affiliate organizations. Manuscripts may be philosophical, theoretical, methodological, critical, applied, pedagogical, or empirical in nature. While Communication Quarterly is supported by ECA, a regional communication association, it has a national and international readership. Hence, submissions from diverse geographic areas and cultures worldwide are encouraged.
CQ employs a process of blind review, although the editor reserves the right to return without benefit of review manuscripts that are outside of the mission of the journal, are deeply flawed, or which do not conform to the guidelines listed below. Although the editor is ultimately responsible for the quality of the journal, manuscripts will typically be reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial Board, or other reviewers as the editor deems appropriate. The recommendations of the reviewers provide the foundation for final judgments regarding the publication of manuscripts. The journal is dedicated to timely reviews. Authors can expect that the review process will normally be completed within three months following the date of receipt by the editor.
CQ Submission Guidelines
Submitted manuscripts must be the original work of the author(s), and may not have been previously published or currently under consideration by any other journal or publisher, inclusive of on-line publications.
Other submission guidelines:
- Manuscripts should not typically exceed 30 double-spaced, typed, 81/2 x 11 pages, inclusive of tables, notes, and references.
- Submissions should include an abstract of 100 words or less and a list of relevant key words/concepts.
- Figures should be camera-ready.
- Manuscripts should be devoid of author identifications. Submissions should include a separate file with the manuscript's title page including author(s) name, current institutional affiliations, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
- Submissions should conform to either the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.) or to The Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed.) for all questions of style and documentation, including the documentation of electronic resources.
- Research that involves human participants must have been conducted in compliance with all regulations of the Department of Health & Human Services, including voluntary participation, informed consent, deception, and debriefing. CQ reserves the right to request certification of compliance from authors.
CQ Submission Address
Note: Submissions to Communication Quarterly is now accepting manuscripts.
Communication Quarterly receives all manuscript submissions electronically via their ScholarOne Manuscripts website located at: ScholarOne Manuscripts allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts, as well as facilitating the review process and internal communication between authors, editors and reviewers via a web-based platform. For ScholarOne Manuscripts technical support, you may contact them by e-mail or phone support via If you have any other requests please contact the journal at
For any questions or information about submissions, contact the editor:
Hannah Ball
Communication Quarterly, Editor
Chapman University
Editorship September 2025 December 2027