Dbx Operation Bolt Horizontal Logo
Operation BOLT

Operation BOLT is a program designed by the Dayton Builders Exchange that supports and encourages local Dayton business owners to use the services of the local construction industry. Dayton can be proud that it is home to many architects, engineers and construction firms that have the talent to design and build any type of commercial, industrial, and/or institutional project. Dayton is also lucky to have such a strong construction industry base. The DBX realizes the importance of this to our local economy and is promoting the advantages of this through the Operation BOLT program. We encourage you to submit a project for consideration. 

Fill out the BOLT Score Sheet and we will begin the process of a BOLT designation for your project.  Any questions concerning BOLT and/or filling out the BOLT scoresheet, contact Parker Matson, DBX Brand Manager pmatson@assnsoffice.com

Bolt Scoring Sheet

Bolt Scoring Sheet Directions

After completing the form, you will receive an email with a link to the BOLT scoring sheet. Contact Parker Matson (pmatson@assnsoffice.com) if you have any questions.

Congratulations to the inaugural Operation BOLT Project award winner - Dayton Public Schools.

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