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April 5 Local Public Health Forum: Housing as a Public Health Issue

A Public Health Museum National Public Health Week Event

The Public Health Museum is hosting a virtual Local Public Health Forum - Housing as a Public Health Issue on Friday, April 5 at 10 a.m. Register here.

Housing stability is a recognized social determinant of health. Homelessness has received increasing attention to its multiple impacts on personal and public health. More recently, the need for emergency shelter for migrants seeking to escape dire, dangerous and unhealthy conditions has mobilized the state and localities to address their need. This year’s Local Public Health Forum will focus on the public health impact of homelessness in the context of meeting commitments to shelter and provide services to those in need. Commissioner of Public Health, Dr. Robert Goldstein, will join a panel of local public health and community representatives for a discussion moderated by Harold Cox of the Boston University School of Public Health.

Local Public Health Forum 2024


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