
Real-Time Communication Between Skilled Nursing and Hospital

Based on real patient harm, Dr Cynthia Ochs has championed improving the communication that is received in real time between hospitals, skilled facilities, specialty offices, and primary care providers. A resolution to provide education on this has been passed by the Michigan State Medical Society. A resolution to bring stakeholders together on a national level has been presented to the AMDA Board of Directors. MIMDA is participating with the Michigan Health Information Network to brainstorm solutions to this issue as well as working with vendors to identify products that will provide seamless transfer of information.

MI-POST Advocacy

The Michigan Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment Act has been unevenly utilized in our state, and many providers find it does not provide the necessary protections for a patient's wishes to be honored in a skilled facility. Representatives of MIMDA, under the leadership of Dr Iris Boettcher are participating with LARA and the MI-POST Advisory Committee to find a path to accomplish the goals of this legislation. The Act can be found with this link 2017-LSB-0154-A.pdf ( Revised Administrative Rules can be found using this link. Michigan Physician Order for Scope of Treatment (MI POST) Administrative Rules If you have any interest in participating with this advocacy issue, please contact Iris at

Building our Clinical Workforce

The number of our population needing care in assisted living or long-term settings is growing quickly as Baby Boomers age, yet our long term workforce is shrinking. We are starting on a program to reach possible providers early in their training and in mid career to consider the benefits and rewards of serving  in these settings.

PALTmed Advocacy 

Policy, Priorities & Resources


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