29th Annual Scientific Meeting of PALTmed - Michigan
Kensington Hotel, Ann Arbor, MI
Friday, September 26 - Saturday, September 27, 2025
Agenda - Draft
Friday, September 26 | |
Time |
Session |
1:00-5:00 pm | Boot Camp for New Providers in PALTC Iris Boettcher MD, CMD |
5:30-6:00 pm | Welcome |
6:00-7:00 pm | Dinner |
7:00-8:30 pm | Dessert/Session #1 |
Saturday, September 27 | |
Time |
Session |
7:00-8:00 am | Breakfast/Session #2 |
8:00-9:00 am | Session #3 |
9:00-10:00 am | Session #4 |
10:00-10:15 am | Break |
10:15-11:15 am | Session #5 |
11:15 am-12:15 pm | Session #6 |
12:15-1:15 pm | Lunch/Business Meeting |
1:15-2:15 pm | Session #7 |
2:15-3:15 pm | Session #8 |
3:15-3:30 pm | Break |
3:30-4:30 pm | Session #9 |
4:30-5:00 pm | ABIM Wrap-up |
One of our board members has generously offered to pay registration fees for all students registering for this year's conference.
This includes fellows and other healthcare students in provider and allied health/nursing programs. Encourage your student colleagues to sign up and join us in Gaylord!
This year's meeting, On the 45th Parallel: Taking Care to a Higher Latitude will be held in beautiful Gaylord, Michigan at the peak of the fall color season.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn and connect with your PALTC colleagues! Our keynote presentation will cover the work that addresses inequities in elder health care, including an innovative program to educate underserved communities on the benefits of hospice. The President and CEO of The Eden Alternative will present on their patient-centered care model and the financial rewards to a community that embraces it. Our ambassador from PALTmed, Alex Bardakh, will be back to speak on changes that for-profit ventures are bringing to our environment. LARA Directors will present on survey trends and updates.
As in years past, we’re offering our Provider Bootcamp: Essentials of Post-Acute and Long-term Care. This comprehensive half-day session provides a framework for care delivery in the PALTC environment, including regulations, processes and best practices. Ideal for providers that are new to long-term care, it's also a great refresher for those who have worked here already, with clinical pearls to improve workflows.
Members: $99 includes GAPNA & PALTmed Indiana and Ohio members
Non-members: $125
Student: $0
Physician Member = $275 includes PALTmed Indiana and Ohio members
Physician Non-member = $375 includes membership through end of following year
Student = $0
Non-physician Member = $175 includes GAPNA members
Non-physician Non-member = $275
Student = all providers and clinicians in training
Non-physician = APPs, facility administrators and DONs
Conference Location: Otsego Resort, 696 M-32, Gaylord, Michigan 49735
- For Room Reservations, call 989-732-5181, select Option “0” and identify yourself as a MIMDA Conference Attendee
- A block of rooms is reserved until September 18, 2024. After this date, rooms will be released and reservations will be made at the regular rate.
All cancellations must be made in writing to MIMDA, emailed to info@mimda.org
- Cancellations received prior to September 18, 2024, will receive a full registration refund less a $50.00 administrative fee
- Cancellations received on or after September 18, 2024 will receive a full registration refund less a $100.00 administrative fee
Please reach out if you have any questions. We hope you will join us!
For additional information, please contact Audrey Moro at info@mimda.org
Credit information pending
Conference Location: The Kensington Hotel, 3500 S State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
- For Room Reservations, call 734-761-7800 and identify yourself as an attendee of the 29th Annual Scientific Meeting of PALTmed Michigan
- A block of rooms is reserved until August 29, 2025. After this date, rooms will be released and reservations will be made at the regular rate.
- Conference room rate: $219.00 (includes hotel and sales tax)
Please reach out if you have any questions. We hope you will join us!
For additional information, please contact
for the
29th Annual Scientific Meeting of PALTmed - Michigan
We welcome you to sponsor MIMDA's educational conference, scheduled for October 18-19, 2024 at Otsego Resort, Gaylord, Michigan. This year we are offering a tiered structure for sponsors: Exhibitor, Gold and Platinum. We are also providing opportunities to sponsor meals and breaks.
MIMDA is pleased to offer the following sponsorship opportunities for this event:
Exhibitor @ $1500
Exhibit table in the vendor display area
Organization name & logo on exhibit hall easel
Organization logo in pre-meeting notices and reminders (print and electronic)
2 conference registrations
Gold @ $2500
MIMDA website ad x 6 months ($1200 value)
Exhibit table in the vendor display area
Organization name & logo on exhibit hall easel
Organization logo in pre-meeting notices and reminders (print and electronic)
2 conference registrations
Platinum @ $3500
MIMDA website ad x 12 months ($2400 value)
Exhibit table in the vendor display area
Organization name & logo on exhibit hall easel
Organization logo in pre-meeting notices and reminders (print and electronic)
4 conference registrations
Reception, Friday evening $3000
MIMDA website ad x 12 months ($2400 value)
Organization name & logo on exhibit hall easel
Organization logo in pre-meeting notices and reminders (print and electronic)
Saturday lunch $2000
MIMDA website ad x 6 months ($1200 value)
Organization name & logo on exhibit hall easel
Organization logo in pre-meeting notices and reminders (print and electronic)
Coffee - organization name & logo on signage $250
Morning break - organization name & logo on signage $750
Afternoon break - organization name & logo on signage $750
Double exhibit table call for availability $750
Saturday Breakfast, Industry Expert Product Theater $5000 call for availability
Host a one-hour, non-competing Product Theater to introduce your product or service to MIMDA attendees on a relevant long-term care/geriatric topic. Any costs associated with speakers (food & beverage, travel, AV other than the standard room set-up etc.) are the responsibility of the host company. The host company is also responsible for onsite registration and logistics. These sessions are optional for meeting attendees but will be the only meal provided during that time.
Please note that this is a non-CME opportunity.
This option includes:
Meeting room with standard AV: microphone, projector, projection screen
MIMDA website ad x 12 months ($2400 value)
Exhibit table in the vendor display area
Organization name & logo on easel sign
Organization logo in pre-meeting notices and reminders (print and electronic)
4 conference registrations
For additional information, please contact Audrey Moro at info@mimda.org
Supporting Documents:
Hold Harmless Agreement
All exhibitors will adhere to all applicable regulations including the PhRMA Code and FDA regulations governing the promotion of pharmaceuticals and/or medical devices (§312.7) Promotion of investigational drugs.
Independence and Integrity in Education
As an accredited education activity, the conference adheres to the ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education. MIMDA is independently responsible for all decisions regarding the identification of educational needs, determination of educational objectives, selection and presentation of content, selection of all persons and organizations that will be in a position to control the content, selection of educational methods, and the evaluation of the activity. Exhibitors and/or industry partners shall have no input into the planning or deliver of the accredited education. MIMDA will not share the names or contact information of learners with any ineligible company or its agents without the explicit consent of the individual learner.
Booth Personnel
Booth personnel must always display the conference badge when within the conference exhibit hall and education program/conference space. Exhibitor badges are non-transferable. Exhibitors are welcome to attend the conference education sessions as silent auditors but are not allowed to participate (including in Q&A) or receive CME/CEUs. Exhibitors must clearly identify themselves with their name, status (Exhibitor), and company visually at all times.
Exhibitors agree to hold Michigan Medical Directors Association and AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine harmless from any liability, damages, or costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) that may arise as a result of your exhibiting at this CME conference.
Exhibitor Code of Conduct Policies
Code of Conduct
The Society requires all attendees, including exhibitors and sponsors, to follow any federal, state, or local health and safety standards, as well as any health and safety standards that may be implemented by the Society, the City of Gaylord, the Otsego Resort, and all other meeting venues from the time of contracting exhibit space and sponsorships/advertisements up to and through the end of the meeting. Failure to comply may result in the removal of exhibitor/sponsor staff and/or company exhibition from the meeting and loss of exhibitor or sponsor fees.
It is the Society’s policy that any type of harassment of or by AMDA staff, members, or attendees, by members of the Society or other attendees, at all locations where
PALTmed members and staff are conducting AMDA business, is prohibited conduct and is not tolerated. This includes locations of Society meetings, including but not limited to conferences, meetings, dinners, receptions and social gatherings held in conjunction with AMDA meetings. This zero-tolerance policy also applies to meetings of all PALTmed affiliates, committees, task forces, as well as other AMDA-sponsored events.
All exhibitors, sponsors, and their representatives are subject to and agree to comply with this policy. A copy of the full policy is available at https://tinyurl.com/3aryehwc.
PALTmed Michigan is Grateful for our 2025 Sponsors
None at this time.