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Cross-Industry Compensation Report Now Available!

The latest Cross-Industry Compensation Report, available at no cost to participating members, and for sale HERE to others, provides an analysis of management and employee pay scales, employee benefits and sales policies across a broad spectrum of wholesaler-distributors. The Report is especially valuable to executives who must demonstrate to the IRS that their compensation is “reasonable”.

Volume 1: NAHAD Member Compensation Data - Based on responses from participating NAHAD distributors only, this Report Includes: an executive compensation overview; summary of executive compensation; summary of employee compensation; detailed statistics on executive compensation and employee compensation (outside sales staff, inside sales staff, and employee benefits.)

Volume 2: Cross Industry Compensation Data - This combined report takes advantage of the large sample of participating distribution firms, representing over 6,000 locations from 26 participating distributor trade associations. Provides breakouts for 20 different sales volume categories, and over 100 specific geographic areas.

Buy either volume, or both, HERE!

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