
Nondiscrimination Statement

The National Career Development Association (NCDA) is a vibrant organization that provides a voice for thousands of members who deliver career services to diverse clients in a broad variety of settings. Over the past several months, legislation in several states is either being considered, or has passed, that jeopardizes the rights of people to be treated equally and without discrimination.  NCDA affirms the rights of career development professionals and clients, including those seeking career support. NCDA stands firmly against discrimination.


NCDA encourages its members to review its Nondiscrimination Statement and to actively endorse it in all aspects of professional work:

NCDA opposes discrimination against any individual based on age, culture, disability, ethnicity, race, religion/spirituality, creed, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, marital/partnership status, language preference, socioeconomic status, or any other characteristics not specifically relevant to job performance.


The NCDA Code of Ethics was revised in 2015 and serves as a guide for career practitioners. It specifies values that are acknowledged by career development professionals:


The NCDA Ethics Committee stands ready to consult with members who have questions about particular professional practices. Furthermore, NCDA encourages its members to support laws that protect the rights and dignity of all.


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