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Join Your Ohio ASC Colleagues

Ohio Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C.

The OAASC is again joining with the ASCA to hold an Ohio fly-in to Washington, D.C. on June 17-18


This is one of the most crucial advocacy efforts of the year since the purpose is to discuss the Medicare payment inequity for ASCs. Administrators and physicians participation and support is crucial to the event's success.


My trip to D.C. was a total eye-opener on how our Government works! It showed me how important it is to educate our representatives on what an ASC can provide, since some of them didn’t even really understand what an ASC is or how we do business. 

Our local representatives with whom we met listened to our concerns and actually acted upon our requests by supporting and co-sponsoring the ASC legislation addressing our cost of living increases with Medicare.   It was overall a very good experience for me and I plan to go back again this year!

Tori Caillet, Administrator
Wooster Ambulatory Surgery Center



We are encouraging members to fly/drive in to Washington in the afternoon or  early evening on June 17 (or before).  We will have a dinner meeting the evening of the 17th. 


You will be scheduled to meet with your local representative's office and other Ohio congressional staff/reps on the 18th.  We will finish in the late afternoon, with plenty of time to catch a flight, start your drive home.


Hotel accommodations


  Capitol Hill Hotel
      200 C Street SE
      Washington D.C., 20003
      Rate: $279/Night (includes $50 Advocacy subsidy through ASCA)  The OAASC also has a limited pool of money budgeted to help cover participants travel costs - contact Randy Leffler for more details.
       CLICK HERE to book your room. Block Code: ASCA614
      May 15th is the last day you can be guaranteed a room and receive the discounted rate.




Please contact Randy Leffler at or 614-358-0177. 

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