OADA Dealers Investment Group Contribution

Contribution Information

Ohio law permits contributions to DIG to come from either personal accounts or from accounts from unincorporated businesses, which include partnerships, limited liability companies, or legal professional associations. Contributions received from unincorporated businesses must indicate the allocation of the contribution amount amongst the partners, members, or owners of those entities.
Contributions to DIG are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Personal Contribution
First Name
Last Name
LLC, LPA, Partnership, of LLP Contribution
Entity Name
Entity Contribution Made on Behalf of:
 Partner/Member/Owner: Amount:
 Partner/Member/Owner: Amount:
 Partner/Member/Owner: Amount:

Level of Contribution

Please check to indicate your Contribution Level.
President's Club Max - $15,499.69*
 (*You may contribute up to $15,499.69 to DIG)
President's Club Platinum - $5,000
Diamond Level - $2,500
President's Club Gold - $1,500
President's Club Silver - $750
President's Club Bronze - $500
Capital Club - $250
Other - $__________
If you have questions/concerns, please address them to:
Joe Cannon
Vice President of Government Relations
Direct Line: 614 923 2237