
September 18, 2018
11:00AM - 12:00PM

Warranties Are Coming Under Fire...

OADA Webinar

Register Here!Brown Bag Lunch Webinar Series

Don't get caught in the flames! For many years, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) did not pay much attention to enforcement of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. That isn't the case anymore. In 2015, a warning shot was fired when the FTC announced it settled allegations that BMW illegally conditioned warranty coverage on the use of its parts and service. More recently, on April 10, 2018, the FTC announced that it sent letters to six major companies warning them about similar concerns. The FTC alleged that these companies' warranties illegally conditioned warranty performance on consumers' use of specified parts or service providers in violation of the Act's anti-tying provisions.

While dealers have become increasingly creative about offering warranties and service programs to help keep customers coming back to their dealerships, such as lifetime warranties, disappearing deductibles, and maintenance programs, many of these programs have not been reviewed to ensure compliance with the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. In fact, some dealers are still under the impression that providing the FTC Buyers Guide and/or brochures describing the coverages fulfills their warranty related disclosure obligations. Turning a blind eye isn't going to fly anymore. Now is the time to prioritize Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act compliance reviews.

OADA is pleased to present Deanna Stockamp, a partner with the law firm of Stockamp & Brown LLC, to present this program to you on the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. This webinar will cover:

  • Service contracts, maintenance plans and warranties;
  • Formatting and disclosures required by the Act;
  • Prohibited tie-in provisions and warranty conditions;
  • Other potentially deceptive terms and conditions;
  • The Pre-Sale Availability Rule;
  • Disclaiming or modifying implied warranties; and
  • Advertising a satisfaction guarantee or lifetime warranty.

We will also discuss the FTC's Buyers Guide compliance sweep and provide a refresher on how to properly complete the Guides. With penalties of up to $41,484 per violation of the Federal laws, can you really afford not to attend?

This webinar is perfect for Dealers, General Managers, Sales Managers, Service Managers, Office Managers, and Marketing Managers looking to review the compliance of their guarantees, warranties and maintenance programs. Register Here! for our September 18 webinar, scheduled from 11am to noon.

There is a $20 connection fee for OADA member dealers. Non-members will be charged a $50 connection fee.

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