April 10, 2024

ODM Hosts MyCare Ohio Community Input Sessions for Members and Providers

Non-Institutional Session (DMEPOS Included) Scheduled June 27

As previously reported, see OAMES 3/19/24 ebulletin, the Ohio Department of Medicaid’s MyCare Ohio program has announced forthcoming changes, including expansion of the program statewide. The MyCare Ohio program integrates both Medicaid and Medicare benefits into one program, coordinated by a managed care plan. ODM has officially begun work on the procurements of the Next Generation of MyCare Ohio and will be releasing requests to managed care plans to serve in the program in the coming months.

Today, ODM is conducting a series of in-person meetings throughout the state with Ohioans who are dually eligible as well as virtual meetings with provider stakeholders who provide these services. In these meetings, ODM expects to gain feedback on experiences from members and providers navigating the current program and collecting input to make changes to the Next Generation of MyCare Ohio. 

Important information and resources:  

  • Background - ODM held a statewide virtual kick-off on March 26 to provide an overview of the MyCare Ohio program, "community input session" approach, and schedule. The presentation slide deck with updates and contact information is available here
  • Providers - Healthcare providers are urged to join virtual sessions through September which will be held by provider type. The session for "Non-institutional providers" (including DMEPOS) is scheduled June 27, 3:00 - 5:00 pm EDT.  Click here to register.
  • Recipients - For those who currently receive services through the MyCare Ohio program or may be eligible, they're encouraged to participate in in-person community meetings scheduled now through September to learn about MyCare Ohio and share experiences and suggestions with ODM. Caregivers and member advocates are encouraged to join as well. The next meeting is scheduled April 15 at 4:30-6:30 pm ET at the Coshocton Library, 655 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio. Click here for full schedule. To learn more about the MyCare Ohio program member input sessions, review the MyCare Ohio program member input session FAQ
  • Online input - If you are unable to attend the MyCare Ohio program community input sessions and would like to provide feedback, ODM welcomes your input via email at MyCareConversionQuestions@medicaid.ohio.gov

For full details about the Next Generation of MyCare Ohio, visit the ODM MyCare Ohio website.

Don’t Miss These Spring Educational Opportunities

CGS Administrators to Host DME Regional Workshops April 23-25

CGS Administrators will be on the road to Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Louisville later this month hosting three half-day workshops.  The topics include a comprehensive look at Medicare updates, Journey of a Claim, and Documentation Requirements. Registration and details below:

AAHomecare Presenting HME Industry Webinars on April 16 and April 30

The American Association for Homecare has scheduled two webinars over the next three weeks.  On April 16, Jeff Baird, Esq., Brown & Fortunato, will present a webinar on “Cash-Only Retail:  How to Succeed”.  On April 30, David Chandler, AAHomecare and Amanda Yavorsky, McKesson, will host a program titled “Payer Negotiations: Know Your Plan”.  The webinars are free to AAHomecare members as part of membership; non-member registration is $129.

AAHomecare Highlights Successful Medtrade; Honors Joel Marx as 2024 Van Miller Homecare Champion

The American Association for Homecare reports "a vibrant show continues to grow" in a recap about Medtrade 2024 in last week's AAHomecare Insider:

The premier trade show for the HME community just keeps getting better – and more popular!  Building on the strong growth seen at last year’s Dallas debut, the attendance and engagement stats for Medtrade 2024 continued to climb:

  • Overall attendance 25% higherthan 2023 (approx. 2,300 attendees)
  • 30% increase in number of exhibitorsover 2023
  • 40% more registrations for conference sessions 2023

“The continued growth trajectory for the foundational aspects of Medtrade--attendance, the expo floor, and educational programming—is impressive and encouraging,” said Tom Ryan, AAHomecare President & CEO. “On top of that, I heard so much positive feedback in Dallas and since then on this year’s show.  It’s really gratifying.”

“I appreciate the investment that thousands of HME leaders are making in this industry by attending Medtrade,” added Ryan. “By sharing your expertise and passion with your peers, and improving your knowledge and skills, you’re strengthening the HME sector’s capacity to care for millions of individuals.  And finally, your support for Medtrade also helps provide funding for AAHomecare’s advocacy work on behalf of HME suppliers and manufacturers.”

In addition to the strong participation in conference educational sessions, the AAHomecare team was also energized by attendance at the State Straight Talk sessions, as well as a full house for the forward-looking AAHomecare Update, where the Association’s top volunteer leaders shared their perspectives on the top challenges facing their companies and how they’re responding.

Marx Honored as SUFH Brings in More than $50K

The Stand Up for Homecare reception capped a busy Wednesday and raised more than $50K—an increase of more than 10% over 2023--to support patient advocacy groups that serve HME patients and are effective advocacy partners on many of our policy initiatives.  2024 Van Miller Homecare Champion Joel Marx was recognized at the event and honored for his determined advocacy efforts, successful leadership as Chairman of AAHomecare and OAMES, and distinguished service across a range of other HME and healthcare industry councils and boards.  Fellow OAMES leaders who have received the award previously include Kam Yuricich (2023), Missy Cross (2016) and Cara Bachenheimer (2014).

Mark Your Calendars for Medtrade 2025

Medtrade will return to Dallas, Feb. 18-20, 2025.  The AAHomecare team is already discussing plans to make a great show even better next year, and we look forward to working with our terrific partners at Emerald X to realize that vision.  Watch for updates at https://www.medtrade.com

Calling Providers to Participate in 2024 HomeCare Salary

HomeCare publication has launched its annual salary survey, the "2024 Salary, Staffing & Benefits Survey", and we encourage OAMES members to participate.  We all know recruiting employees is a battle these days, but this tool will help you stay competitive by knowing where you stand with compensation and benefits. Please take a few minutes to fill out the HomeCare 2024 Salary Survey. The results will be compiled, and the data shared with you anonymously. As a thank you, you'll be entered in a drawing for $100 gift card if you include your contact information with the survey. The results will be shared in the May issue of HomeCare.

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