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FCC Still Editing Net Neutrality Rule Rollback Order

The FCC continues to edit the Restoring Internet Freedom (net neutrality rule rollback) order, which was approved subject to those edits at the Dec. 14 meeting, but has yet to be released.

The FCC voted to eliminate the rules against blocking, throttling and paid prioritization and reclassify ISPs as Title I information service providers not subject to Title II (common carrier) regs.

The process of post-vote, so-called "editorial privileges" is not unusual, but it has been the subject of criticism from commissioner Michael O'Rielly, who regularly dissented from the process during Tom Wheeler's chairmanship of the FCC in protest of the fact that substantive changes were allowed to be made to items after the commissioners had voted them at public meetings.

Regular meeting watchers had become used to Wheeler ending a meeting with the granting of editorial privileges and a note of the standing objection. (from O'Rielly).

Under FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, the editorial privilege was tightened almost a year ago so that only commissioners can make substantive changes.

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