Assistants Program

The Assistant Program is designed to provide podiatric medical assistants with a wealth of information on topics ranging from foot and ankle anatomy to practice management.
The program this year will be held on Thursday, May 15 and Friday May 16, 2025. Assistants may register for Thursday only, Friday only or both days.

CE for the 2025 program has been approved for 7 hours on Thursday, May 15 and for 7 hours on Friday, May 16 by the American Society of Podiatric Medical Assistants (ASPMA).

        Online Assistant Registration

        Printable Assistant Registration Form


Assistant Program Registration Fees (below cost includes early bird $25 discount, early bird discount ends April 21, 2025)           

OHFAMA/APMA Member Assistant
Thursday Only - $85, after April 24 $110
Friday Only - $85, after April 24 $110
Thursday and Friday - $160, after April 24 $185
Non-Member Assistant
Thursday Only - $145, after April 24 $170
Friday Only - $145, after April 24 $170
Thursday and Friday - $280, after April 24 $305


7:00 AM - 7:30 AM Registration
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Foot and Ankle Anatomy Meets Common Associated Problems
Faculty: Thom Arnold, DPM and Amy Masowick, DPM

Objective: Every team member should understand basic anatomy and podiatric complaints. Staff should be able to work together to provide the best possible service to patients. An educational presentation with dual lectures provides the podiatric medical assistant with an in-depth view of foot and ankle anatomy and the associated problems that may present in a clinical setting.

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Prescriptions - What you need to know!
Faculty: Amy Masowick, DPM

Objective: This presentation will review important information on drugs and drug classes. Attendees will review commonly prescribed drugs, clinical indications, options and reasons for doctor preferences. Discussion will include best practices, prescribing precautions, and information about the Ohio Automated Rx Reporting System (OARRS).

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Injectables - Interactive Hands-On Workshop Part 1
Faculty: Marc Greenberg, DPM

Objective: The session will review injectables commonly used in a podiatric practice, including proper mixing and how to properly draw and give injections.  A workshop will follow the lecture where attendees will get hands-on experience in proper injection preparation.

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM Break
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Office Management
Jacqueline Donovan, DPM hosts a panel of Office Managers

Objective: It takes a lot to make a medical practice run smoothly, merging medicine and small business together.  Office managers work with physicians and practice front and back office staff to make it all work.  This session will cover HR, small business compliance, inventory management, PR/advertising, and more!.  A panel of office managers will provide pearls for managing a medical practice.  Attendees are encouraged to bring questions for an in-depth discussion.

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Dressing Applications - Interactive Hands-On Workshop Part 2
Lecture: Jacqueline Donovan, DPM
Workshop: Jacqueline Donovan, DPM and Marc Greenberg, DPM 

Objective: This session will review various dressings, the materials and components of each, and the importance of how to properly apply dressings for safe, patient care.  A workshop will follow the lecture where attendees will get hands-on experience in safe dressing applications.

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Lunch (on your own)
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM The Importance of Podiatric Dermatology and the Dermatological Exam
Faculty:  William Scherer, DPM

Objective: This presentation will highlight various dermatological conditions as they may manifest in the skin and nail of the lower extremity.  Assistants will learn how their role during podiatric dermatological exams can help to improve patient outcomes.
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Definitive Diagnosis - Appropriate Sampling and Diagnostic Methods
Faculty: William Scherer, DPM

Objective: This presentation will focus on the diagnostic workup of the skin and nail conditions learned in the previous lecture.  Upon completion of this session, attendees will better understand the significance of the biopsy procedure as a powerful diagnostic tool.  This session will include an overview of various biopsy techniques, specimen collection and handling.

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Scheduling
Faculty: Jacqueline Donovan, DPM

Objective: Putting together a daily patient care schedule right will ensure that the doctors stay on time and everyone gets taken care of.  This session will provide guidelines and pearls to help attendees learn how to schedule a day, from the patient's first call on the phone to the last appointment out the door.  Covered topics will include do's and don'ts with new patients, follow up visits, office procedures, DME dispensing visits, phone interactions, EHR scheduling blocks and more!

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM DME - Interactive Hands-On Workshop Part 3
Thom Arnold, DPM; Jacquelin Donovan, DPM; Marc Greenberg, DPM and Amy Masowick, DPM

Objective: The session will review the most common types of Durable Medical Equipment (DME) in a podiatry practice, the medical conditions they are intended to treat, and the importance of proper fitting for DME.  Attendees will rotate through instructional stations including AFO’s, night splints, orthotics and walking boots to gain hands-on experience in proper dispensing of DME to a patient.

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Break
3:30 PM - 4:15 PM Podiatry Jeopardy
Faculty: Marc Greenberg, DPM 

Objective: The session will test attendees’ medical knowledge with a fun game. Topics will include everything from things that were discussed in the previous sessions to new topics of relevance. Attendees will be broken up into teams and the battle for bragging rights will be a fun afternoon educational event.

4:15 PM - 5:00 PM Expert Panel Discussion and Staff Appreciation Reception
Faculty: Thom Arnold, DPM; Marc Greenberg, DPM and Amy Masowick, DPM    
Objective: The program faculty will open the floor for discussion about real office experiences that everyone can learn from. Attendees are encouraged to submit questions prior to the start of the session.
7:00 AM - 7:30 AM Registration
7:30 AM - 9:30 AM APMA Presents - 2025 Coding and Documentation
Faculty: Sarah Abshier, DPM and Jeffrey Lehrman, DPM     
Objective: The session will review Ankle-Foot-Orthoses compliance and documentation done right. Attendees will understand why you should be documenting and coding social determinants of health. Discussion will include that there is more to a code than just the descriptor, and the importance of familiarizing yourself with introductory language. 
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM Break
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM APMA Presents - 2025 Coding and Documentation Continued
Faculty: Sarah Abshier, DPM and Jeffrey Lehrman, DPM                                          

Objective: The session will review coding updates for 2025 and will discuss that there is “no such thing as an office visit.” Discussion will include the recent skin substitutes policy changes and what you need to know.

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Exhibitor Marketplace Luncheon
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

The Limited English Proficiency Rule
Faculty: Michael Brody, DPM

Objective: Attendees will review the important changes to the Rule and Act, and how they DO impact your practice. This rule relates to the ability to communicate with patients and engage patients in their treatment plan. There is a direct correlation between doctor patient communication and positive outcomes. This also has a direct impact on Risk Management.   For example, if a patient has limited English proficiency and the appropriate controls have not been put into place how can you document truly informed consent?

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Break
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM What's New in  HIPAA
Faculty: Michael Brody, DPM

Objective: In addition to updated and new restrictions and protections there is (as of today) a proposal for many additional changes.  Attendees will learn what is new and what you need to do in your office to remain compliant.