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Registration is now open for the 2014 Rhetoric Society of America's Conference

Registration is now open for the 2014 RSA Conference, which will be held at the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter - May 22-26, 2014.  The program is shaping up very nicely, and I'm sure you will find the conference engaging and thought-provoking.

If you are interested in attending the conference, please note the following:

1.      Register for the conference. If you have received an email invitation to participate in the 2014 conference, you will need to register by February 1, 2014, to confirm your place on the conference program.. If you fail to register by this deadline, you will forfeit your place on the program to one of our alternates. (Non-members of RSA, please read item #5 below before registering.) To register, LinkToEvent[5,35]!  

2.      Reserve a hotel room. The Marriott Rivercenter is located in downtown San Antonio on the city's historic river walk. To support RSA and assure that the organization doesn't have to pay a fee for too few hotel reservations, please consider reserving a room at the Marriott Rivercenter, which has offered us the following budget-friendly conference rates:

$129/night for single/double occupancy,  $159/night for triples and quadruples, and a 25% discount for suites To receive these negotiated rates, you must make your reservation before May 1, 2014. To make a reservation at the conference hotel, CLICK HERE.  

3.      Graduate students submit for the Gerard Hauser Research Award. If you are a graduate student, note on your online registration form that you are applying for one of the Gerard Hauser Research Awards. At least three awardees will receive a $100 travel award and free registration at the conference, and their presentations will be featured in the conference program. By having your abstract accepted, you have been nominated: now, to be considered fully, send a complete version of your conference presentation, as a .doc or .rtf email attachment, to  Professor Jennifer Wingard (University of Houston) ( by January 15. 

Winners will be notified in by April 1.

4.     Consider becoming a member. If you are not already a member of RSA, please consider joining, especially because the extra cost of participating as a non-member is slightly higher than a year's membership dues. To review memberships options and/or join,  CLICK HERE  to access the membership page.

Note: you may join RSA (or renew your membership) on the conference registration form.

5.     Keep an eye out for the Research Network: The Research Network provides newer members of our profession, especially graduate students,  an opportunity to share a work-in-progress paper in a 75-minute group session conducted by a senior scholar in the field. The formal call for proposals for the RSA14 Research Network will be issued on September 16th.

To register online for the 2014 RSA Conference, LinkToEvent[5,35]

PDF version: 2014 Conference Registration

To reserve a hotel room, CLICK HERE.

Conference Registration fee refunds will be granted only as follows:

67% refund for those withdrawing by 1 April 2014
33% refund for those withdrawing by 1 May 2014
0% refund for any withdrawals thereafter

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