
Rhetoric Society Quarterly invites article-length manuscripts on all aspects of rhetoric, including theory, history, criticism, and pedagogy. Contributions should exhibit high standards for professional scholarship and should offer new knowledge or advance the discussion on significant issues across the multiple disciplinary homes of rhetorical studies. Submissions judged appropriate for RSQ are sent for anonymous peer review to external referees, usually in two different disciplines; a decision usually will be made within three months of receipt of the manuscript.

Information for Authors

Manuscript Preparation: Submissions to RSQ must meet the following criteria:

  • Manuscripts should be 10,000 words or fewer including notes and Works Cited.   Please specify the word-count of your submission in the cover letter.
  • The manuscript should bear no identification of the author or placeholders used to anonymize the manuscript, except on the title page.
  • The manuscript should include an abstract of approximately 150 words.
  • For purposes of review, please include any visual materials as part of the main text file. CLICK HERE for further instructions about illustrations.
  • The manuscript must be your own original work and must not duplicate any other previously published work, including your own.      
  • Material from a dissertation may be submitted as long as it is substantially revised and conforms to the expectations of a journal article.
  • The manuscript must be submitted only to Rhetoric Society Quarterly and must not be under consideration or peer review, accepted for publication, or in press elsewhere.
  • Your submission should be accompanied by a cover letter in which you briefly describe the origins of the project and confirm that the submission meets the criteria outlined above.

Citation and Documentation: RSQ follows the MLA Style Manual, 3rd ed. (2008), which requires parenthetical in-text citations (author and page) and an alphabetical list of Works Cited at the end. Notes should be used only for substantive comments.

Manuscript Submission: RSQ accepts submissions online through the Manuscript Central service—now renamed ScholarOne. Please visit to create an author account and submit a manuscript as either a Microsoft Word document (DOC not DOCX) or a Rich Text File (RTF). ScholarOne converts submissions to PDF format for review. If you have questions about ScholarOne, please contact,, or click GET HELP NOW at the top right corner of any page on the website.

Book Reviews: Book reviews are assigned by the Book Review Editor, Nathaniel A. Rivers. To propose a book review, please contact him at Saint Louis University, Reviews of single books should run about 1,200–1,500 words.

Copyright: Authors transfer copyright to the Rhetoric Society of America but retain the following specific rights:  to make further copies of their work for use in classroom teaching, to reuse their work in a compilation of their own works or a textbook that they author, and to make copies for internal distribution within their institutions of employment. To obtain permission for other uses, see the Permissions page on the RSA website. As an author, you are required to secure permission if you want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of another source.  This applies to direct reproduction as well as “derivative reproduction” (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source).

Reprints, Online Publication: Articles accepted for publication may be published online by Taylor and Francis Online at the conclusion of the copy editing process with the author’s permission (see Authors for whom we receive a valid email address will be provided an opportunity to purchase reprints of individual articles or copies of the complete print issue.

CLICK HERE to download a PDF file of these instructions.

CLICK HERE to download a PDF file of the RSQ copyright form.

CLICK HERE to download instructions on file formats for manuscript submission.

All these forms are also available on the Manuscript Central website, at the Instructions & Forms link at the top of every screen.

For questions, please email RSQ .