RSA Graduate Student Chapter Funding and Award Calendar, 2023-2024

Congratulations to CMU Three Rivers RSA, at Carnegie Mellon University for our 2023 RSA Outstanding Graduate Student Chapter.

The call is now open for 2023-2024 Graduate Student Chapter Awards. 

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RSA maintains a commitment to the next generation of scholars through support of its student chapters. This is demonstrated in three ways: annual grant funding, special event grants, and recognition of outstanding student chapters. The application and selection process for funding will be overseen by a subcommittee consisting of the graduate student and early career representative members of the Board and at least one additional member of the Board.


RSA Annual Student Chapter Funding Grants

RSA will provide grants of $50 to qualified student chapters on an annual basis. This award is meant to support the yearly activities of RSA student chapters, including (but not limited to) the hosting of colloquia, professionalization talks, reading groups, and seminars. Any chapter in good standing (meaning that the chapter has a minimum of three student members and has adopted the RSA Student Chapter Guidelines) will have the yearly opportunity to apply for a $50 grant from RSA. Chapters must submit a brief application by February 1, 2024 for projects that have occurred or will occur in the 2023-2024 academic year. 

Chapters receiving awards will be asked to provide a brief progress report to the RSA graduate student members of the Board of Directors by May 15 of the funding year.  Applications can be made yearly. CLICK HERE to submit an application.

Deadline: February 2, 2024

RSA Student Chapter Special Event Award

In addition, RSA will establish special event grants to be awarded yearly on a competitive basis. This competitive award is meant to support special event programming created by RSA student chapters that would not otherwise be possible without the support of RSA. RSA encourages applicants to propose projects or events that cultivate professionalization and cooperation between and among academic departments, RSA student chapters, and/or rhetoric programs at other universities, although such collaboration is not requisite for the application. 

Any chapter in good standing will have the opportunity to apply for this competitively awarded grant from RSA. The number and dollar amount of awards given each year will depend on the availability of funds. Chapters must submit a project proposal, including a budget for the event, which would ideally take place in the Spring of 2024 although reimbursement for Fall 2023 events will be considered.

Chapters receiving awards will be asked to provide a progress report to the RSA graduate student members of the Board of Directors by May 15 of the funding year. Awardees are especially encouraged to consider how they can share the project with other RSA chapters and individual RSA members through the use of technology (podcast, webcast, etc.). CLICK HERE to submit a request for special event funding.

Deadline: February 2, 2024
Winners announced: late February, 2024

Outstanding Student Chapter Award

The Outstanding Graduate Student Chapter Award will recognize a student chapter for increasing the visibility of RSA student chapter for their continued dedication to collaborating and promoting rhetoric-related events. A prize of $500 will accompany the award and the 2024 winner will be recognized at the Biennial RSA Coference in May 2024.

Application Opens: February 4, 2024  - CLICK HERE FOR SUBMISSION INFORMATION
Deadline: April 4, 2024
Winners announced: May, 2024