RSA 2019 Project






2019 Project Working Groups for:

  1. Precarious Economies, Ronald Walter Greene

    Ronald Walter Greene is a Professor and Chair of Communication Studies at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. His research focuses on the material modalities of rhetorical practice for guiding institutional judgements. Greene is one of the founding organizers and former chair of the critical and cultural studies division of the National Communication Association (NCA). He currently serves on the executive board of the Rhetorical Society of America. Check out Managed Convictions: Debate and the Limits of Electoral Politics (2015).

  2. Disability and Accessibility, Amy Vidali

    Amy Vidali is a professor in the writing program at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Vidali's research focuses on rhetoric, writing and disability. She's currently working on a book about disability and rhetorical negotiation, which explores infertility as a disability, stuttering in families, as well as food access and GI distress. Check out "Diagnosing Disability, Disease, and Disorder Online: Disclosure, Dismay, and Student Research" in Negotiating Disability: Disclosure and Higher Education (2017).

  3. Pedagogy and Community Literacy, David Coogan

    David Coogan is an associate professor in the English department at Virginia Commonwealth University and co-director of OPEN MINDS, a collaborative partnership between the Richmond City Sheriff's Office and Virginia Commonwealth University. Coogan teaches writing workshops in autobiography at the Richmond City Jail (RCJ). Check out Writing Our Way Out: Memoirs from Jail (2015).

  4. Memory and Lost Communities, Jenny Rice

    Jenny Rice is an associate professor of writing, rhetoric and digital media at the University of Kentucky. Jenny has published scholarship on topics such as public rhetoric, affect, rhetorical ecologies and new media writing. Check out Distant Publics: Development Rhetoric and the Subject of Crisis (2012).

  5. Understanding Deep Roots, Jacqueline Royster

    Jacqueline Royster is dean of Georgia Tech's Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts. She holds the Ivan Allen Jr. dean's chair in liberal arts and technology, and is professor of English in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication. Her research centers on rhetorical studies, literacy studies, women's studies and cultural studies. Check out Feminist Rhetorical Studies: New Horizons in Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies (2012).

  6. Visual and Material Rhetorics of the City, Laurie Gries

    Laurie Gries is an assistant professor with a joint appointment in the department of communication and the program of writing and rhetoric at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Gries is particularly interested in how images circulate, transform and contribute to collective life and is currently developing digital research methods and data visualization techniques to support such research. Check out Still Life with Rhetoric (2015) and her conceptual sketches.

  7. Indigenous Publics, Angela Haas

    Angela Haas is an associate professor in the department of English at Illinois State University. Hass' research interests are in American Indian rhetorics and literatures, cultural rhetorics, decolonial theory and methodology, digital rhetorics, histories and theories of technical communication, indigenous feminisms, rhetorical theory, transnational cyberfeminist theory and visual rhetorics. Check out "Toward a decolonial digital and visual American Indian rhetorics pedagogy" in Survivance, sovereignty, and story: teaching indigenous rhetorics (2015).

  8. Environmental Justice, Bridie McGreavy

    Bridie McGreavy is an assistant professor of environmental communication in the department of communication and journalism at the University of Maine. Her research addresses how through communication, individuals and communities become resilient and sustainable. She is currently a UMaine co-PI on a six million dollar grant through NSF's EPSCoR program to advance a four-year study examining the future of dams in New England. Check out Tracing rhetoric and material life: Ecological approaches (2018).