



Policy Issues 


The Texas Chemistry Council is the voice of the petrochemical industry before the Texas Legislature and regulatory agencies.  Our objective is to educate policy decision makers and the general public about the importance of the chemical industry in Texas.

 Legislative Policy Issues

  • TAXES – Support a fair and equitable tax system that promotes economic investment, job creation, and promote global competitiveness for Texas businesses.
  • LAWSUIT REFORM – Maintain a fair and balanced civil justice system that protects the jobs and investments of the chemical industry in Texas. 
  • ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION – Support and promote science-based environmental policy that results in measurable improvement in human health and the environment while preserving a sound business economy.
  • WATER – Support water policies that ensure a stable water supply to meet the current and future needs of industry and our state.
  • ENERGY – Promote an economically viable and sustainable energy supply for all forms of energy.
  • TRANSPORTATION – Support transportation infrastructure to meet the needs of our industry and mobility needs of Texans.
  • WORKFORCE – Promote an educated and skilled workforce to meet the labors needs of our industry.
  • SITE SAFETY & SECURITY – Promote laws and policies that enhance workplace safety for our employees and help protect our communities and facilities from natural disasters and terrorist acts.