
February 26, 2015
9:00AM - 11:00AM

Home Buyer Insights

Getting Into the Minds of Today’s Home Shoppers

BIA Office, Suburban Steel Supply Training Room

Who Should Attend?

Builders, Builder Sales Reps, Marketing Professionals, Realtors, YOU!


As the housing market continues to recover, the new home industry continues to try and find innovative ways to gain market share over resale homes.  What if you could get inside the minds of today’s home buyers to better understand what motivates them, what inspires them, and what leads them to take action? Over the past three years, Builders Digital Experience, has conducted extensive home buyer research to help builders do just that. During this session we will reveal the surprising results that will have an impact your approach and messaging.  Did you know that 54% of home buyers start the process with a preference for or interest in new homes but only 8% end up buying new? What a tremendous opportunity to inspire and educate this group about the advantages of new home construction!  This session will give you the tools you need to market your homes to today’s home buyers.

This session will cover: the results from home buyer research BDX conducted;  how the research results will impact builders' approach and messaging; changes in the home buying time line and its effect on marketing; how to effectively position new homes.

Learning outcomes:

  1. What today’s home buyers are looking for in a new home
  2. How to position your homes – What messages resonate with buyers
  3. What events trigger a buyer to purchase a new home and how you can capitalize

Presented by

James Honeycutt, Digital Marketing Consultant for BDX

Brought to you by

BIA of Central Ohio and BDX

Registration - please register by February 19, 2015

BIA Members: $45
Current Board Members & Past Presidents: $35
Non BIA Members: $68

Register Online with a Credit Card

Home Buyer Insights Pdf Registration

Notes: Space is limited to 60 people.  Non BIA members: payment must accompany registration.

Consent to use of photographic images: Registration and attendance at or participation in BIA meetings and events constitutes an agreement by the registrant to the BIA’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee’s image in photographs, videotapes, and electronic reproduction of such events and activities.

BIA cancellation policy:  All cancellations received by February 19, 2015 will be honored with a full refund. No refunds after February 19. NO SHOWS WILL BE BILLED.  Cancellations must be sent via e-mail to or via fax to (614) 891-0535.

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