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Commission rejects model unit for Oak Grove

Rocky Fork Enterprise


The Gahanna Planning Commission gave a resounding no to a request by Schottenstein Homes to build a model home for the 13-lot Oak Grove of Gahanna off North Stygler Road.

Planning and zoning administrator Bonnie Gard said a variance application proposes to build a model home prior to council's acceptance of all infrastructure.

"In my institutional memory, this has never been done," she said during a March 11 commission meeting. "I think it would be a slippery slope."

Gahanna city code states, "No permit shall be issued by the city for construction of any structure within the proposed development until all improvements required to be dedicated to public use have been accepted by council under the provisions of Section 1105.07."

Attorney David Hodge, representing the applicant, said the model home uses the same concept as a tip jar at a business establishment.

"If you go to a bar or some place and see a tip jar, typically, the bartender puts money in the tip jar because that encourages people to tip," he said. "This is a very experienced, sophisticated homebuilder. They believe if they can start construction on the lot with frontage on Stygler Road that it will get drive-by interest."

Hodge said the model would show homes are being built.

"If I'm a neighbor, I would want a model," he said. "It would encourage homes to sell. We truly believe this would help the subdivision. It would help houses to sell. This is good for business. It will help the developer sell these homes."

Hodge said the model home is proposed on a lot that once had a house on it.

"We don't see a real health and safety reason not to allow this to happen," he said. "To me, when you sum up what a variance is, do no harm. This doesn't harm anyone. It's good for Gahanna. It's good for the developer."

Commission member Don Shepherd said if the board starts varying one application, it could lead to varying another application.

"I don't see a way around this," Shepherd said. "Code is code. The code was in place. They knew what they were getting into. I don't see any hardship here other than they would like to build sooner than later."

City engineer Rob Priestas recommended that access to the lot be moved to the construction entrance south of 4185 North Stygler.

"It's already being used for access to the site now," he said.

Hodge said Schottenstein would adhere to that condition.

Commission member Jennifer Price asked if the developer could use a model that's in another community to reflect what's being built.

"I think this is more to show activity and to eventually get folks in and show the quality work they do to sell the remainder of the subdivision," Hodge said.

Shepherd said he doesn't support the variance.

"I don't see the hardship except a monetary one," he said. "This is an experienced builder. They understood the time frame. The code was there to review."

Price said she had concerns with setting a precedent.

"This is an infill project," she said. "I think we need to adhere to code. I don't see hardship. The time difference is one month. Third, I believe interest (for the homes) could be pulled in other ways, like a temporary sales office."

In other action, the commission approved a certificate of appropriateness for a patio enclosure for Pigskin Brewing Co., 81 Mill St., Suite 150.

Gard said the enclosure is necessary for the liquor-control board to approve the outdoor space.

"The design is very simplistic and consists of metal-wrapped wood shelves anchored and supported with galvanized metal pipe," she said. "The sleek design will echo the clean lines of the wall sign and allow an unobstructed view into the patio area."

Applicant Tarry Summers said he wanted something that looks good and feels comfortable for customers.

"I think it's a great space and great addition to Creekside," Price said. "I think it does fit with the theme and look of the inside. I'm comfortable with the design."

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