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Liberty Township Administrator Steps Down


A split board of trustees voted last week to accept the resignation of Liberty Township Administrator Dave Anderson.

The board voted 2-1 after a closed-door executive session May 6 to approve the resignation -- tendered by Anderson during the session -- with Trustee Tom Mitchell voting in opposition.

Trustee Melanie Leneghan previously has clashed publicly with Anderson over township fees, legal bills and other financial issues. For instance, she consistently has questioned why the township's administration would hire outside legal help instead of relying on the Delaware County Prosecutor's Office, which is required to provide free counsel to the township.

Leneghan said it's no secret she has "never been real pleased with (Anderson's) performance."

"I'm not going to pretend that I'm disappointed," she said of the resignation. "I'm delighted."

Leneghan said she was not comfortable discussing whether any particular incident led to Anderson offering his resignation to the board.

Anderson could not be reached for comment.

Mitchell said he was "not at liberty to discuss" what led to the resignation, but added there's always been tension between Anderson and Leneghan. Mitchell said he wanted Anderson to keep his job.

"(Anderson) really advanced our township by leaps and bounds here," he said.

Mitchell said Anderson's achievements include saving residents hundreds of thousands of dollars by partnering with Genoa and Orange townships on a trash-hauling bid and securing a multimillion-dollar grant to widen state Route 750 near the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. He said Anderson also put protocols and procedures in place in the township offices that helped the government operate more efficiently.

Trustee Shyra Eichhorn said she "felt comfortable" accepting Anderson's resignation. She declined to comment on whether she would have asked for the resignation had he not offered it.

"I wish Dave the best," she said. "He gave many great years of service to the community."

Anderson had served as township administrator since 2007.

Matt Huffman, the township's assistant administrator, was named acting township administrator after Anderson's resignation.

Trustees gathered Saturday, May 9, to hold an executive session to consider the employment of a public official.

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