First Time Attendees

Welcome to your first experience at a Southern Ohio Synod Assembly.

We want your first experience at an Assembly meeting to be a positive and rewarding time. With that in mind, we will provide some background information that may make you feel more comfortable when you arrive.

WHY an Assembly? The Constitution of the Southern Ohio Synod, in accordance with the Constitution of the ELCA, mandates that an Assembly be held at least bi-annually in order to perform its duties as the highest legislative authority of the Synod. A regular meeting is to be held between March 1 and September 1. The Bishop and Synod Council determine dates and frequency of the Assembly.

WHERE does the Assembly meet? The Bishop determines the location of the Assembly. Consideration is given to cost as well as adequate facilities for a large group meeting. Over the past years the Assembly has met at Wittenberg University, Capital University, Cincinnati, Columbus and now in the Dayton area at one of our congregations! Each year the Assembly in organized according to the needs of the Synod. Some years there are workshops and evening activities. Other years the business of the Synod requires more time.

WHO attends and votes at the Assembly? The Constitution of the Southern Ohio Synod includes extensive guidelines for the selection of voting members of the Assembly. Clergy and lay members, whether voting or not, are encouraged to attend to better understand the dynamics of the church beyond their congregation. Every congregation is expected to have both rostered and lay members attend the Assembly. In larger congregations, multiple lay members may be selected as voting members.

WHAT is done at the Assembly? As the highest legislative authority of the Synod, the Assembly body manages the business of the Synod in many ways: procedural, financial, and as members of other church institutions. The Assembly decides Constitutional revisions and additions, approves financial compensation guidelines for rostered leaders in the Synod, elects representatives to the Synod Council, Churchwide Assembly and other partner and affiliate boards, and learns about synod-wide initiatives to further the Gospel.

HOW is the meeting run? According to Robert's Rules of Order. Watch this video to learn the basics of Robert's Rules of Order to better understand why the meeting is run the way it is run and to help you be prepared if you'd like to speak at assembly.


Key Dates

None at this time.