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2020 AGM Motion 1: Clarify Attendees’ Convocation Quorum

(Member Resolution - Requires simple majority of those voting to pass)

Moved by the Rules and Bylaws Committee; Rose Bronec, Claire Creese, Kathryn Miranda; and the Attendees’ Convocation Committee; Ron Dennis, Pamela Blanc, Mary Derbyshire


Whereas, there is a need to bring clarity to the Attendees' Convocation (AC) proceedings in establishing its quorum; 

Resolved, That item 6 of the Attendees’ Convocation (AC) resolution, previously adopted by the membership in 2018, “Quorum for the AC to be a majority of members attending the ACGM in person”, be amended in the following three ways––

  1. To add the phrase “Once the Annual General Meeting (AGM) quorum has been determined”,
  2. To insert the words “simple” before “majority” and “voting” before “members”, and
  3. To replace “ACGM” with “AGM”;

to then read: Once the Annual General Meeting (AGM) quorum has been determined, the quorum for the AC to be a simple majority of voting members attending the AGM in person.  

Attendees’ Convocation                                           

  1. The session to be conducted under the general, but not exclusive, provisions of Informal Consideration, specifically, AmSAT Chair will not preside;
  2. The AC's agenda of up to three items to be adopted at the beginning of the session, from a slate formed, with input from all interested parties, and subsequently published in the “General Meeting Materials,” as organized by an Attendees Convocation (AC) Committee of three, elected for a one-year term by nominations from the floor at the prior year's ACGM, except that upon passage of this motion the AC Committee to be formed immediately;
  3. The AC Chair to be a member, or alternating members, of this committee;
  4. 4. Any motions arising from AC deliberations to require for adoption a 2/3 majority vote of the members in attendance at the AC in person (no proxies);
  5. 5. Any motions so adopted to be placed in the consideration of all motions on the next year's ACGM agenda;
  6. 6. Once the Annual General Meeting (AGM) quorum has been determined, the quorum for the AC to be a simple majority of voting members attending the ACGM AGM in person.

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Ruth Rootberg   on Friday 06/12/2020 at 11:36 AM

This comment is neither for nor against the proposed motion, but rather to help me understand procedures.

The AGM - the actual business meeting - has not been starting until Saturday morning, which means that quorum number is not arrived at until Saturday. In 2019, the AC convened Friday evening. If when we next have an AC and AGM, the AC again precedes the business meeting, it seems one would have to trust that there is a) a quorum for the AC so that b) if a simple majority approves anything, it will need to be verified after the AGM begins on Saturday. That seems unwieldy.

If, however, the AC convenes after the start of the business meeting, there would not be that problem I presented. However, scheduling the AC on Saturday or Sunday would present other problems.

Kathryn M. Miranda   on Sunday 06/14/2020 at 02:31 PM

The plan for the 2020 AGM that would have been in Boulder would have taken care of this quandary by starting the AGM on Friday for the purpose of establishing a quorum. So the need to establish the quorum before the AC is known and will need to be dealt with through AGM planning. so for a Friday AC, open the agm to establish the quorum, then adjourn until Saturday, then hold the AC. the other option is to hold the AC sometime after the Saturday morning AGM.

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