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The COVID-19 Recession Might not be as bad for Housing as the Last one

Barron's Shaina Mishkin April 2, 2020 12:52 pm ET

Given the slowdown of industry that has come with efforts to fight the coronavius pandemic, experts say a recession is on the cards for the U.S. But housing, which was pummeled in the most recent downturn, might not get hit as hard this time, a team of Goldman Sachs analysts say.

In a Thursday note forecasting the economic slowdown’s potential impact on homebuilders, Goldman Sachs analysts Susan Maklari, Charles Perron-Piche, and Hardik Shah write that they “do not currently expect the strain on housing to be of a similar magnitude seen in the last downturn,” though they do expect to see a “modest,” single-digit decline in home prices on a national here to read more.

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