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New Albany council mulls 63.5-acre annexation for housing development

By SARAH SOLE THISWEEKNEWS.COM Posted May 19, 2020 at 7:12 PM Updated May 20, 2020 at 2:20 PM

A residential developer of single-family and empty-nester homes is interested in having 63.5 acres annexed from Plain Township to New Albany.

CORRECTION: The site being considered for annexation from Plain Township to New Albany is west of Jug Street, not east. The report presented to City Council incorrectly indicated otherwise.

A residential developer wants to build an empty-nester housing development on land at Central College Road and Jug Street.

Homewood Homes has requested the annexation of 63.5 acres from Plain Township to New Albany.

New Albany City Council on May 19 heard a first reading of an ordinance that would annex the land, which shares a contiguous boundary with New Albany, according to the meeting’s legislative report.

The property is within the New Albany-Plain Local School District and is owned by Homewood Homes, according to the report.

The ordinance could be set for a second reading and public hearing June 2, according to the here to read more.

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