Golf Outing

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Welcome to the 2025 BOMA Columbus Golf Outing

IMPORTANT Registration Dates:

Diamond Sponsors - March 12 

Platinum Sponsors - March 19

Gold Sponsors - March 26

Silver Sponsors - April 19

All Members - April 16

Extra Foursomes available May 1


The 2024 theme is "Movies". Don't forget there is a competition for the "Best Hole Decoration". You could win big! 


Sponsorship Opportunities 


Longest Putt Women  $250
Longest Drive Men $250
Longest Putt Men $250
Closest to the Pin Women $250
Closest to the Pin Men $250
Longest Drive Women $250
Coffee Sponsor $200
Bloody Mary Bar  $300
Beverage Cart $300
Happy Hour $300
Putting Green Challenge and Sponsor $550
Dinner Sponsors $300
Lunch at the Turn  $300
Awards $500
Hole Sponsor  $750


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7:00 AM – 8:30 AM Vendor Registration and Set Up 

7:00  AM - 8:30 AM Golfer Registration

8:15 AM - Be on your cart!

8:30 AM shotgun start

Lunch at the turn

2:30 PM Play Ends

3:00 PM Dinner, Awards and Prizes 



  • PARKING FOR VENDORS is in the LOWER LOT. Vendor Golf Carts will be located here for easy loading and unloading.  
  • Hole Assignments will be emailed the week of the golf event
  • Stop at the BOMA registration table first.  
  • Everyone must sign a waiver prior to receiving a cart and proceeding to the course.  
  • At registration, vendor will receive their golf cart assignment and information prior to driving to their holes for set up.
  • Each vendor company will receive one cart for their sponsored hole.
  • One table and two chairs will be provided at your sponsored hole, at no charge.
  • If you pre-ordered food, drink and/or a bartender it will be waiting for you at your sponsored hole no later than 8:30 AM. 
  • Play ends at 2:30 and teardown starts at 2:30.
  • Dinner will be served in the clubhouse function space at 3:00.  
  • During dinner, awards for the best foursome and best “Movies” themed sponsored hole will be presented.  Raffle prizes will be drawn at the end of play and can be picked up on the way to dinner. 
  • Just a reminder, no outside food or beverages may be brought on to the course.  Coolers of ice brought by sponsors will be subject to inspection by Safari Golf Course, as Safari has a no cooler policy for golfers.



  • Follow signs for parking in the Upper Lot.
  • Stop at the BOMA registration table first.  
  • Everyone must sign a waiver prior to receiving a cart and proceeding to the course.  
  • At registration, golfers will receive their starting hole number, a golf gift and lunch token. 
  • Lunch at the Turn will be available for golfers at the Clubhouse Grill from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Redeem at Clubhouse using the Blue Lunch Token picked up at registration.
  • Several games and raffles will be available throughout the day on a cash-only basis. Please bring cash as BOMA cannot take credit cards on site for raffle tickets. Pre-purchased raffle tickets will be available for pick up at registration.
  • Sponsored beverage carts will drive the course throughout the event.
  • Each foursome will receive two carts.
  • Safari is a cashless venue. While many hole sponsors are sponsoring food and drink, please bring a card for any additional food or beverage purchases. 
  • Play ends at 2:30, dinner will be served in Event Center function space at 3:00 PM.  
  • Turn in Raffle Tickets before 2:00 PM. Raffle prize tables will be located at Registration Tent near the Golf Cart Barn.  
  • Best Themed Hole Sponsor Contest: There is one ballot per cart (2 per foursome). Select your favorite and turn them in to a volunteer when you turn in your cart at the end of the day. 
  • During dinner, awards for the best foursome and best “Movies” themed sponsored hole will be presented.  Raffle prizes will also be drawn and distributed. You must be present to win!
  • Just a reminder, no outside food or beverages may be brought on to the course. Safari has a no cooler policy for golfers, if a cooler is brought on to the course, Safari will require that it be returned to the owner’s car.