CWPA 2024 Research Grants Awards
Council of Writing Program Administrators Research Grants
Call for Proposals
The Research Grants Committee (RGC) of the Council of Writing Program Administrators invites proposals for research projects investigating practices that support educational equity and meaningful change in postsecondary writing or literacy programs.
Proposals must be received no later than June 1.
Read the complete 2024 Call for Research Grant Proposals
Register for a Free, Member-Only workskhop on Grant Proposal Writing offered by the committee's co-chairs, Holly Hassel and Joanne Giordano
Holly Hassel, North Dakota State University and Joanne Giordano, Salt Lake Community College were awarded $3200 for their project “First Year in the Two-Year: A Study of Two-Year College Writing Teacher Transitions.” Giordano and Hassel.
Ellen Carillo, University of Connecticut were awarded $1000 for her project, “Tracing the Impact of Mindful Reading Beyond First-Year Composition.” Carillo.
Hadi Banat, Parva Panahi, Rebekah Sims, Phuong Tran, and Bradley Dilger were awarded a grant for their project, "Prioritizing Intercultural Competence in Writing Programs through Linked Courses." Banat et al.
Ryan Dippre was awarded a grant for his project, "The Nexus of Local and National Contexts in Writing Program Administration: UMaine's Writing Program, 1972-2018." Dippre.
Neal Lerner was awarded a grant for his project, "Creating a Writing Program Digital Archive." Lerner.
Awards & Grants

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