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Heat Illness Prevention by Gary Auman


Heat Illness Prevention

OSHA Offices in Midwest checking heat prevention programs at construction sites due to current heat indexes

Gary A




Article provided by Gary Auman, Auman, Mahan & Furry


We are well into the summer high heat season. It appears that, in many parts of the United States, temperatures are again setting record highs and for longer durations. Referring back to 2021 reminded everyone about the unusually high temperatures in the Pacific Northwest and the high number of fatalities associated with those high temperatures. As we learned last year high temperatures are not limited to just one area of the country. So, what does this mean for you as an employer? Whether you are in construction or general industry, unusually high temperatures will impact you, unless you operate air-conditioned manufacturing or warehouse facilities. My goal for all of my trade association clients is to keep our members apprised about significant hazards that may confront their employees and to remind them of their obligations those employees. Every employer should have as its number one goal, the safety of its workforce.

Click here to download full article


*REMINDER* MRCA has a Legal Services Program established with Auman, Mahan & Furry that allows members one free consultation up to 30 minutes per month via phone, email or office conference. To take advantage of this, please contact Gary Auman at 937-223-6003.


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