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2024 NCAB Station Awards - Call for Entries


Deadline - Monday, September 9, 2024

The North Carolina Association of Broadcasters is excited to once again use a web-based platform for the Station Awards entries.  

All awards will be presented during this years' Annual Awards Lunch on October 29, 2024 at the Angus Barn Pavilion.


Station Award Instructions:

Please carefully follow the important instructions below to submit your entries:

  • All entries must be submitted on-line.

  • Deadline for all submissions is Monday, September 9, 2024.

  • Entries must be submitted to

  • Be sure to read the information on the home page concerning the entry process and appropriate file sizes and types.

  • Returning users can login and new users can create a profile (username and password) by clicking the “Register” button on the top of the homepage. To reset your password email

  • From the homepage you can review Awards rules, submit an entry, view and edit an entry, or edit your station’s information.

  • To enter a category, click “Submit Entry” and fill in the information. The headline/title should be what you would want shown on a plaque.

  • Acceptable file formats to upload to the site are .mp3, .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .doc, docx, .wma, .pdf, .mp4, .wmv and .mov files.

  • IMPORTANT: To ensure server space for all states, ® requires video entries to be linked from YouTube, Vimeo, or other video hosting sites. Simply copy/paste the videos URL in the “Add Link” section.

  • Special characters should be avoided in file names. Stick with letters, numbers, &, dots, dashes and underscores, “NO # or apostrophes”.

If you have questions or having any difficulties, email or call 800-471-1875.


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