Renew Your NCPMA Membership
The North Carolina Pest Management Association is dedicated to serving its members and ensuring they receive quality training and continuing education. We hope you will join us as we work to strengthen the pest management industry. We have several types of membership levels, depending on your industry.
Active Membership - Pest Control Companies
Any individual representing a firm, partnership or corporation, who is licensed under the N. C. Structural Pest Control Act and renders services in the State of North Carolina whose business record is consistent with the Code of Ethics and whose employees are in sympathy with the purpose of this Association. Said individual representing a firm, partnership or corporation shall be eligible for membership with no specific time requirement for being in the pest management business.
Allied Membership - Pest Control Industry Suppliers
Any person, firm or corporation not engaged in providing pest management services to the public, but which manufactures or supplies services, products, equipment or other materials to the pest management industry shall be eligible for allied membership.
Associate Membership - Non-industry companies that must engage in pest control
Any individual who, in the opinion of the Governing Board, is in sympathy with the purposes of the Association; qualified by reason of experience or training in entomology, biology, chemistry, sanitation or allied science related to the practice of pest management, and is not otherwise eligible for membership in the Association, may apply for Associate Membership. Example: food service companies, school systems, nursing homes, etc.