April 24, 2024
8:00AM - 12:30PM
Jurisdiction B Roadshow - Indianapolis Comprehensive Workshop
Embassy Suites North - Indianapolis, Indiana
CGS is on the road to Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Louisville in April to host 3 half-day Comprehensive Workshops.
Indianapolis location:
Embassy Suites Indianapolis North, 3912 Vincennes Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268
Topics covered will be:
- Medicare Updates: Recent policy updates and emerging Medicare news will be provided.
- Journey of a Claim: Increasing understanding of supplier enrollment, claim submission, claim corrections, the first level of appeal, auditing entities, and improper payment errors and data.
- Documentation Requirements: Education will be provided on the fundamentals of documentation; compliant orders, face-to-face documentation, proof of delivery, refill requirements, Advance Beneficiary Notices of Noncoverage (ABNs), and more!
Registration includes:
Comprehensive in-person education from CGS Provider Outreach and Education.
Sign up here for Indianapolis workshop!