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Ohio Department of Aging Seeks Comments on Rules Open for Review
Stakeholder Input Due by Monday, January 16
OAMES was contacted by the Ohio Department of Aging (ODA) to inform us that five ODA rules are currently subject to the state’s 5-year rule review requirement. Ohio law requires all state agencies to publicly review regulations at least once every five years to ensure that they are relevant and current.
ODA will be reviewing the following five rules before each rule’s 5-year review deadline in 2023. If you have any suggestions for changes or comments regarding the following policies, please email Kam Yuricich, OAMES executive director by close of business on Friday, Jan. 13. ODA has asked for feedback from all stakeholder groups by Monday Jan. 16.
Medicaid-Funded Component of the Assisted Living Program:
173-38-04 Assisted living program (medicaid-funded component): provider certification
173-38-05 Assisted living program (medicaid-funded component): covered services
Medicaid-Funded Component of the PASSPORT Program:
173-42-02 PASSPORT program (medicaid-funded component): eligibility requirements for individuals
Unified Waiting List:
173-44-04 Unified waiting list for the assisted living, PACE, and PASSPORT Programs. (This rule implements the waiting list that ODA must establish under R.C. §173.55, which interfaces the home-first components of the PACE, PASSPORT, and Assisted Living Programs under R.C. §§ 173.50, 173.501, 173.52, 173.521, 173.43, and 173.541. The rule is in place for a day if/when Ohio reaches enrollment limits (e.g., due to budget cuts).