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January is National Mental Wellness Month

Source: Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities

To further promote mental health awareness, January is designated as National Mental Wellness Month. By focusing attention on the importance of cultivating and maintaining mental wellness people can provide fresh new ideas on how to do just that.  Mental Wellness Month Logo

The concept of wellness refers to the connection between the mind, body and spirit. It’s essential that each of those aspects are nurtured— especially mental wellness. Failing to care for one's mental health can limit the ability to thrive, flourish and reach personal potential.

The mind has a powerful effect on both physical health and spiritual connectedness. When someone experiences anxiety, chronic stress, depression or substance use, it can impact all aspects of their self. Mind-body research has clearly shown how the mental state influences the physical health. Thus, when mental health is addressed and steps are taken to improve it, it simultaneously improves the other areas of functioning too.

Click here to view 6 ways to improve mental wellness.


Article published 1/10/24 in Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities "Up to the Minute" ebulletin.  Visit their website here.

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