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New White Paper Addresses Importance of Safeguarding Access to Enteral Nutrition

Source: AAHomecare Insider 1/10/24

The American Association for Homecare has partnered with enteral nutrition (EN) stakeholders to develop a white paper and related materials that shine a light on the need to protect access to these products.  Challenges in Enteral Nutrition Access and Management: Safeguarding Life-Sustaining Nutrition provides an overview of EN, market challenges that threaten access to EN, and the integral role of HME, providers in delivering clinically appropriate EN to end users. 

The paper includes findings from a 2023 nationwide study revealing that one in four HME providers of EN is considering or actively planning to stop providing EN/supplies due to cost pressures and outlines actions that payers can take to ensure continued access to life-sustaining EN.

AAHomecare’s Enteral Nutrition Work Group partnered with the Global Enteral Device Supplier Association to produce the paper, with a technical review provided by Dietitians in Nutrition Support.  The resource will be used in outreach and education to payers, state programs, and legislators to preserve access to EN, supplies, and services.  In addition to the white paper, HME advocates can also use order flowcharts for oral nutrition and tube feeding/nutrition, and survey infographic in their outreach efforts.  See our press release for more information.

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