Complete Story


Find the Right Career Coach to be More Successful

Take the time to determine if the fit is right

Five years into my association career, I became executive director of a national association at 27. I was young and untested, but too naive to know how much I had to learn. I wasn’t overwhelmed immediately, and I was bolstered by a board who were generous—both in giving advice and sharing a kind word.

However, almost three years into the role, it became clear that I had missed some critical lessons that come with time. My team and the association were expanding, and I was increasingly overworked and unsure, all without a peer network to draw on for support.

My board was not comprised of association professionals, and my friends and peers were still relatively young in their careers. On top of that, I hadn’t yet tapped into the association network. I knew I was missing something and needed help.

Please select this link to read the complete article from ASAE’s Center for Association Leadership.

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