2026 RPA Showcase Sample Schedule

Schedule of Events

Wednesday, February 25, 2026

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Exhibitor setup

6:00 pm –7:00 pm

The Joe DeJure Memorial Cocktail Hour


Thursday, February 26, 2026

Exhibits Open 10 am - 4 pm

8:00 - 9:00

Exhibitor setup

9:00 – 10:00 am

Business Meeting & Awards Presentation
Breakfast Available

9:00 – 12:00 pm

Exhibits Open

12:00 - 1:00 pm Lunch
served in the exhibit hall
1:00 – 4:00 am

Exhibits Open

3:00 - 4:00 pm

Happy Hour
Served in the exhibit hall

4:00 pm Exhibits Close
4:00 - 6:00 pm Exhibitor Tear Down