Why Join SAVIR

Society for the Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR) is a multidisciplinary organization involved in promoting and advancing the field of injury and violence research. SAVIR achieves its goals by hosting and promoting collective, educational and scholarly activities and through cross-collaborative efforts with practitioners, policymakers and other stakeholders. Our members come from various disciplines that work to prevent and intervene with injury and violence. 

SAVIR offers its members unique opportunities, regardless of your area of expertise or level of experience. As a member of SAVIR you have the opportunity to:

  • Actively promote your research by participating in conferences and educational opportunities;
  • Enhance your experience through initiatives such as our Mentor Program;
  • Influence policy by participating in ongoing collaborative efforts

View a summary of SAVIR Membership Benefits

SAVIR members foster the growth of the field of injury and violence research by responding to the growing need for evidence-based prevention strategies and interventions to mitigate the acute and long-term burdens resulting from injury and violence events. As the field grows, so does the demand for skilled researchers from various disciplines who utilize rigorous scientific methods to identify risk factors and trends, inform public policy, and create the basis for effective interventions. By joining SAVIR, you add your voice to those of other dedicated injury and violence researchers to continue expanding the field of injury and violence research.
If you wish to join SAVIR on or after July 1, 2024, please visit: www.thesavir.org

SAVIR Membership

CLICK HERE to Apply Online!

SAVIR Center Membership

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Questions about joining SAVIR? Contact savir@meinet.com

Member Types

Center - $500 per year
A center is any organization that focuses a majority of its work on the research of injury and violence prevention and control. Each Research Center Member shall designate in writing one person, preferably its Director, who shall be authorized to exercise its membership rights. Each Research Center Member shall have the right to one vote, to receive copies of all official publications, to receive discounts on conference exhibition fees, and to be identified in the Corporation’s Annual Report. Each Research Center Member shall be entitled to participate in one research center advisory council. Each research center may have the option to add sub-accounts of the following types at a discounted rate:

  • Center Professional - $120 per person per year (see "Professional" description below)
  • Center Student - $40 per person per year (see "Student" description below)

Professional - $150 per year
A person who is or has been actively engaged in research or programs in the field of violence and injury prevention and control, and who, by the time of application for membership, holds an earned degree in a discipline related to professional participation in injury and violence prevention and control research, service programs or public policy related to these programs. Professional members shall have the right to vote, to receive all official publications, to receive discounts on all educational programs and conferences, and to be candidates for elected positions.

Affiliate - $450 per year
Any public agency or nonprofit institution the mission of which includes the fields of injury and violence prevention and control shall be eligible for membership in this category. Each Affiliate Member shall designate in writing four persons who shall be authorized to exercise its membership rights. Each Affiliate Member shall have the right to receive a copy of all official publications, to receive discounts on conference exhibition fees, and to be identified in the Corporation’s Annual Report.

  • Each additional member is $100.

International - $150 per year (High-Income Countries)
A person who is or has been actively engaged in research or programs in the field of violence and injury prevention and control outside the U.S. (High-Income Countries), and who, by the time of application for membership, holds an earned degree in a discipline related to professional participation in injury and violence prevention and control research, service programs or public policy related to these programs. International members shall have the right to vote, to receive all official publications, to receive discounts on all educational programs and conferences, and to be candidates for elected positions.

LMIC - $75 per year (Low-Middle-Income Countries)
A person who is or has been actively engaged in research or programs in the field of violence and injury prevention and control in a country designated as Low-to-Middle Income Countries (LMIC), and who, by the time of application for membership, holds an earned degree in a discipline related to professional participation in injury and violence prevention and control research, service programs or public policy related to these programs. Professional members shall have the right to vote, to receive all official publications, to receive discounts on all educational programs and conferences, and to be candidates for elected positions.

Early Career - $75
A person who is or has been actively engaged in research or programs in the field of violence and injury prevention and control, and who, by the time of application for membership, holds an earned degree in a discipline related to professional participation in injury and violence prevention and control research, service programs or public policy related to these programs for less than 1 year. At the completion of the first year of membership the transitional membership will automatically become a Professional member.

Student - $50
A person who, at the time of application for membership, is currently enrolled in either a baccalaureate or graduate program of education or training related to injury and violence prevention and control at an institution of higher education. A student member shall receive all official publications and discounts on all education programs and conferences and have the right to be candidates for elected positions.

Dual Student Membership with Safe States - Student Members of SAVIR are eligible to add a student membership with Safe States for an additional $15 fee. Along with the SAVIR student membership benefits, the Safe States student membership offers networking with injury and violence prevention professionals across the nation, participating in mentoring, professional development (including CHES, CPH and CNE credits for conferences and CHES and CPH credits for self-studies on their Training Center), leadership opportunities, joining a committee or special interest group, and discounts on registration for the Safe States Annual Conference.

Emeritus/Emerita - $50
A person who is retired from full-time professional activity in research, program services, or public policy related to the fields of injury and violence prevention. An Emeritus Member shall have the right to vote, to receive all official publications, and to receive discounts on all education programs and conferences.

Member Benefits

Networking Opportunities
Network with other SAVIR members who are involved in the injury and violence field through our webpage and Facebook page. Use this opportunity to collaborate with other members on projects, publications, and educational and training opportunities.

Leadership Opportunities
In SAVIR, there are many leadership opportunities, including the opportunity to serve on various committees and expert groups, or the SAVIR Board of Directors. Many more roles, such as conference planning and educating decision makers, are available to share your injury and violence expertise.

Membership Directory
Membership listing, available only to SAVIR members. This membership directory is available online in the Members Only Section.

Mentoring Program
Our mentoring program is designed to help students, early-career injury researchers and practitioners new to the field learn from experienced injury and violence researchers. Mentorship activities occur at the SAVIR Annual Conference and throughout the year.

SAVIR Annual Conference
SAVIR members receive a discount on registration for the SAVIR Annual Conference.

On-line access to BMJ journal Injury Prevention at a discounted rate of $75 per year.

Educational Material
SAVIR members have access to webinars, advocacy training, and resources developed by leading experts in the field.

SAVIR Position Statements and Blast E-mails
SAVIR sends out timely, informative updates to the membership using blast email correspondence.

Advocating for injury and violence research
SAVIR's Advocacy and Policy Committee works with SAVIR members to advocate for increased awareness of the need for injury and violence research through partnerships with other organizations, including the Injury and Violence Prevention Network (IVPN). SAVIR also promotes collaborations to incorporate injury and violence research into various disciplines.

Center Member Benefits

 Center Member Benefits