
January 29, 2020
3:00PM - 4:00PM

ACH Audit for Third-Party Senders


Are you an ODFI with Third-Party Senders? Or, are you a Third-Party Sender? Regardless of which, the audit points for Third-Party Senders are more complex than that of a standard originator. If you’re an ODFI performing the audit or if you’re a TPS performing your own, it’s vital to know what to look for in order to remain compliant and help to mitigate risk. Join this informative webinar to learn about the Third-Party Sender Audit.

As an added value, this webinar includes access to a video recording for up to 30 days from the date of this webinar.

AAP/APRP Credits 1.2

Webinar Cost:
Member Price: $179
Non-Member Price: $358

SFE Education Club = 7 Credits

Click Here to Register!

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