
June 6 (9:00AM) - 7 (10:30AM), 2023

Get an A on Your ACH Audit

2 Part Virtual Webinar

How do your compliance procedures stack up? Regulators, Nacha and external examiners are taking a closer look at financial institutions' ACH procedures & risk management. If you aren't prepared for a higher risk of fines for non-compliance, be sure to prepare for an up-to-date ACH audit. We will cover areas of  regulatory compliance, discuss best practices and the most common compliance problems. This will help you reduce your ACH risk from both receiving and originating ACH transactions. 


3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits

Registration Fees:

Members: $179 per Person/Access - SFE Education Plan Eligible

Others: $358 per Person/Access


Part 1 - June 6, 2023  9:00am to 10:30am CT

Part 2 - June 7, 2023  9:00am to 10:30am CT

Click Here to Register!



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